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The European Ombudsman Investigated: From Old Battles to New Challenges

Edited by: Deirdre Curtin, Tanja Ehnert, Anna Morandini, Sarah Tas

ISBN13: 9781509975600
Published: February 2025
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £90.00

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A seminal study of the European Ombudsman, focusing on current challenges and future developments by its leading expert commentators. This open access volume traces the evolution of the European Ombudsman over its first almost three decades. Its focus however lies on the current challenges and future perspectives of this ever-innovative EU institution. It brings together leading voices from academia, EU institutions, civil society, and the European Ombudsman's office. It highlights developments and future potential in several salient fields, from data infrastructure and digital platforms over environmental protection and border protection agencies to revolving doors and industry lobbying.

The collection's breadth of study and depth of expertise will mean this is required reading for scholars of EU law, both from a constitutional and consumer law perspective.

EU Law
Foreword, Emily O'Reilly Introduction: The European Ombudsman Beyond Old Battles and Navigating New Challenges, Deirdre Curtin, Tanja Ehnert, Anna Morandini and Sarah Tas

Part One: The Evolving Role of the European Ombudsman
1. The European Ombudsman as an Evolving EU Accountability Institution, Anchrit Wille
2. The Evolving Proactive Role of the European Ombudsman, Nikos Vogiatzis
3. The Ombudsman - An Indispensable Source of Encouragement, Harald Schumann
4. The Relations Between the European Commission and the European Ombudsman, Christian Linder and Pascal Lefevre
5. The Evolving Role of the European Ombudsman in Context: The European Ombudsman's Perspective, Rosita Hickey

Part Two: The European Ombudsman's Role in Fostering Institutional Legitimacy
6. When the Doors of EU Administration Revolve: The European Ombudsman's Legacy and Future Action, Emilia Korkea-Aho
7. The Role of the European Ombudsman in Fostering Transparency and Accountability of EU Agencies: Zooming-in on Europol and Frontex, Sarah Tas
8. Barriers to Obtaining Information to Protect the Environment: The Role of the European Ombudsman , Onno Brouwer and Anne Friel
9. The Role of the European Ombudsman in Curtailing Undue Corporate Lobbying Influence, Olivier Hoedeman
10. The European Ombudsman's Role in Fostering Institutional Legitimacy, Tanja Ehnert and Koen Roovers

Part Three: The European Ombudsman as an Influencer of Future Change
11. The European Ombudsman as a Good Administration 'Influencer': Revisiting Concepts, Methodological Challenges, and Promises Ahead, Mariolina Eliantonio and Danai Petropoulou Ionescu
12. Administrification of the Digital Single Market: A New Role for the European Ombudsman in the DSA Framework?, Moritz Schramm
13. Transparency That Is Fit for Purpose: EFSA's Experience with the European Ombudsman and Proactive Transparency, Dirk Detken and Laura Weemering
14. The European Ombudsman as an Influencer - An Insider's Perspective, Aidan O'Sullivan