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Global Reflections on Positionality in Rural Access to Justice Research

Edited by: Michele Statz, Daniel Newman

ISBN13: 9781509972821
To be Published: December 2025
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £95.00

This book offers a unique look at rural access to justice through a series of personal and professional reflections by leading scholars in the field.

Engaging a "position sensibility," it explores how our identities, class backgrounds, and professional privileges shape research and writing, and, correspondingly, how there can be no "one size fits all" approach to rural place and justice.

Access to justice is a growing field of research, but interest in rural access to justice remains relatively rare. This presents a critical absence, for not only do rural regions have disproportionately large justice gaps, but they also present unique opportunities for innovation and policy development. Further, research in rural areas often looks and feels very different than in more familiar urban settings. To address these gaps, the book presents an honest, reflexive accounting of what has been done, why, and what's next to dismantle academic barriers and promote meaningful research on rural access to justice.

The book provides a direct examination of the rural experience and is grounded in a specific contextual understanding of law. It is intended to inspire readers to incorporate rural perspectives in their legal studies; drawing out the relevance for deepening existing work and offering encouragement for pursuing new directions. It will also encourage readers to consider their own place in their scholarship, including whether and how their positionality might impact on their approach to rural access to justice.

Courts and Procedure
1. Introduction: Why Positionality Matters to Rural Access to Justice, Rebecca Sandefur (Arizona State University, American Bar Foundation , USA)
2. Race, Rurality, and Marginalization in the American South, Lauren Sudeall (Georgia State University College of Law USA)
3. From the Valleys to the Academy, Daniel Newman (Cardiff University UK)
4. The Language of a Place, Michele Statz (University of Minnesota Medical School, USA)
5. Farms, Floods and Fires: Considerations of Access to Justice in the Australian Context, Alistair Harkness (University of New England, Australia)
6. My Past is My Present: Teaching In and Writing About a Home Community, Hannah Haksgaard (University of South Dakota School of Law, USA)
7. Claiming the South, Elizabeth Chambliss (University of South Carolina School of Law, USA)
8. The Slain South African Police Officer's Legacy Lives On: A Tortuous, Unexpected and Incredible Historical Journey of a Rural Criminologist, Witness Maluleke (University of Limpopo South Africa)
9. An Escape to Rurality, Maybell Romero (Tulane University Law School, USA)
10. Experiences on (Rural) Access to Justice in Brazil, Leslie Ferraz (United Nations, Brazil)
11. "Do What Has to Be Done": The Codes We Live By and How they Shape Relationships and Research on Rural Access to Justice, Hillary Wandler (University of Montana School of Law, USA)
12. Legal Pluralism and Human Rights Concerns, Wilfredo Ardito (Department of Law of Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Peru)
13. Data Collection in the Settler Countryside: Reflecting on Positionality and 'Dense Aquaintanceship', Brieanna Watters (University of Minnesota, USA)
14. Conclusion: Positionality and Place, Mark Fathi Massoud (U California Santa Cruz, USA)