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Comparative International Law: Foundations and Critique

Edited by: Robert Schütze, Mathias Siems

ISBN13: 9781509972395
To be Published: November 2025
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £90.00

The concept of comparative international law emerged early in the last century, but the discipline still suffers from a lack of intellectual and methodological foundations. This ambitious collection fills that gap.

It examines key concepts of comparative international law, such as legal analogies and families of international law, while offering critical perspectives on it. With contributors carefully selected for their expertise, they present diverse and thought-provoking views from both international law and comparative law. This is a much-needed and cutting-edge contribution to a topical and growing field of research.

Comparative Law
Part I: Setting the Scene
1. Comparative International Law: State of the Art
2. Domestic Analogies: Natural, National, Public, Private?

Part II: Historical and Comparative Perspectives
3. 'African' International Law
4. 'American' International Law
5. China's Approaches to International Law
6. 'European' International Law
7. Latin America and Beyond

Part III: Critical and Analytical Perspectives
8. Comparative International Law and International Relations
9. Decolonising Comparative International Law
10. Science in Comparative International Law
11. Quantitative Comparisons as International Law
12. Global Law and Comparative International Law