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The Pathology of Plenty: Natural Resources in International Law

ISBN13: 9781509969623
To be Published: August 2025
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £90.00

This book argues that international law impacts on the resource curse, but that this impact can be unexpected and (at times) unpredictable. It illustrates how the law's role in resource-cursed countries is at once constitutive, preventive, remedial and punitive. The author draws on different fields of public international law to show how law can be both implicated in, and responsive to, the resource curse. This will be important reading for scholars in the field of international law and international development.

Public International Law
1. Introduction
2. The Pathology of Plenty
3. The Foundation of Plenty
4. The Hope of Plenty
5. The Temptation of Plenty
6. The Peril of Plenty
7. The Pain of Plenty
8. Conclusion