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The EFTA Court: Developing the EEA over Three Decades (eBook)

Edited by: EFTA Court

ISBN13: 9781509968817
Published: August 2024
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £108.00
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The EEA Agreement extends the four freedoms (persons, goods, services and capital) to Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. It provides for equal conditions of competition and abolishes discrimination on grounds of nationality. The EFTA Court, celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2024, has jurisdiction over parties to the Agreement. This jurisdiction corresponds to that of the Court of Justice of the European Union over EU Member States in matters of EEA law. This collection of essays, written by members of the Court and external experts, reviews the successes and shortcomings of the Court, its interface with EU law, and its future development.

EU Law, eBooks
1. The Relationship Between EEA Law and ECHR, Drawing on Parallels with EU Law
Arnfinn Bårdsen,
2. The EEA Agreement and its Link to Other Agreements Between the EU and EFTA States and How they Compare
Christophe Hillion
3. The Case Law of the EFTA Court in the Field of State Aid
Gjermund Mathisen
4. Case Law Stemming from the NAV-Saga (Social Security) in Norway
Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen and Christian Franklin
5. The Norwegian Supreme Court and the EFTA Court 30 Years On
Henrik Bull and Toril Øie
6. Effective Judicial Protection in the EEA
Hilde K. Ellingsen
7. The Connection Between the Fundamental Freedoms and Fundamental Rights
Karin Fløistad and Simonsen Vogt Wiig
8. To be confirmed
Ola Mestad, Professor
9. Maglite, L´Oreal and RAAP – Making Sense of Third States Regulation of IP Rights in the EEA
Ole-Andreas Rognstad
10. The Case Law of the EFTA Court in Field of Competition Law
Ronny Gjendemsjø
11. The Icelandic Supreme Court and the EFTA Court
Benedikt Bogason, President of the Supreme Court
12. The Principle of Proportionality in the Case Law of the EFTA Court
Gunnar Þór Pétursson
13. Relationships Between Courts
Kristín Haraldsdóttir
14. The Relationship Between EEA Law and National Administrative Law
Skúli Magnússon and Umboðsmaður Alþingis
15. Liechtenstein Courts and the EFTA Court
Hilmar Hoch
16. The Liechtenstein EEA-Coordination Unit and the EFTA Court
Andrea Entner-Koch
17. The Experience and Perception of the EEA in the EFTA States
Christian Frommelt
18. The Referring Judge and the EFTA Court
Wilhelm Ungerank
19. To be confirmed
Koen Lenaerts, President, Court of Justice
20. To be confirmed
Marc van der Woude, President,
21. The EEA Agreement as Seen from the Perspective of EU Law
Marise Cremona
22. Judicial Architecture Reform in the EFTA Pillar of the European Economic Area
Graham Butler
23. To be confirmed
Niilo Jääskinen
24. A Comparison Between the EEA Agreements and the Agreements Providing for the Participation of the EFTA States in the Schengen Acquis
Thérèse Blanchet
25. The Fosen Linjen Saga
Albert Sanchez-Graells
26. To be confirmed
Joseph H. H. Weiler