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Criminology as a Moral Science

Edited by: Anthony E. Bottoms, Jonathan Jacobs

ISBN13: 9781509965373
To be Published: March 2025
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2023)
Price: £42.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781509965328

This book proposes an explicit recognition of criminology as a moral science: a philosophically textured appreciation of the presence and role of values in people's reasoning and motivation, set within an empirically rigorous social-scientific account. This endeavour requires input from both criminologists and philosophers, and careful dialogue between them. Criminology as a Moral Science provides such a dialogue, not least about the so-called 'fact-value distinction', but also about substantive topics such as guilt and shame.

The book also provides philosophically-informed accounts of morality in practice in several criminological contexts: these include whistleblowing practices within a police service; the dilemmas of mothers about who and what to tell about a partner's imprisonment; and how persistent offenders begin to try to 'turn their lives around' to desist from crime. The issues raised go to the heart of some currently pressing topics within criminology, notably the development of 'evidence-based practice', which requires some kind of stable bridge to be built between research evidence ('facts') and proposals for policy ('evaluative recommendations').

Introduction: The Nature and Scope of a Moral Science, Anthony Bottoms (University of Cambridge, UK) and Jonathan Jacobs (City University of New York, USA)

Part One: Orientations
1. Criminology and Moral Philosophy: Prospects for Fuller Engagement, Jonathan Jacobs (City University of New York, USA)
2. Implementing the 'Moral Turn' in the Social Sciences: Three Obstacles and Three Solutions, Christine Swanton (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

Part Two: Criminal Justice-Related Ethical Dilemmas
3. Whistleblowing: An Ethical Analysis of Police Officers' Reporting of Misconduct by Colleagues, Justice Tankebe (University of Cambridge, UK)
4. Morality and Motherhood of (Ex-) Prisoners' Children, Caroline Lanskey (University of Cambridge, UK), Lucy Markson (University of Cambridge, UK), Karen Souza, Sophie Ellis (The Open University, UK), Friedrich Lösel (University of Cambridge, UK) and Jennifer Barton-Crosby (Nat Cen Social Research, UK)

Part Three: Moral Emotions: Shame And Guilt
5. A Plea for Guilt, Sophie-Grace Chappell (University of St. Andrews, UK)
6. Taking the Long View: The Role of Shame and Guilt in Desistance, Alice Ievins (University of Liverpool, UK)

Part Four: Desistance From Crime: Analyses In Positive And Critical Morality
7. 'Yo, God, What Should I Do?': Striving for Moral Consistency after Prison, Ryan Williams (University of Queensland, Australia)
8. Ethical Aspects of Journeys towards Desistance by Male Young Adult Recidivists, Anthony Bottoms (University of Cambridge, UK) and Caroline Lanskey (University of Cambridge, UK)
9. Living Non-Criminal Lives: What Role for the State?, Matt Matravers (University of York, UK)

Series: Studies in Penal Theory and Penal Ethics

Responding to the Culpable State: Is Sentence Mitigation Appropriate? ISBN 9781509975648
To be published June 2026
Hart Publishing
Criminology as a Moral Science (eBook) ISBN 9781509965342
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Out of print
Criminology as a Moral Science ISBN 9781509965328
Published September 2023
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Penal Censure: Engagements Within and Beyond Desert Theory ISBN 9781509945672
Published November 2020
Hart Publishing
Criminal Law and the Authority of the State ISBN 9781509932139
Published September 2019
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Penal Censure: Engagements Within and Beyond Desert Theory ISBN 9781509919789
Published April 2019
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Criminal Law and the Authority of the State (eBook) ISBN 9781509905140
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Hart Publishing
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Criminal Law and the Authority of the State ISBN 9781509905133
Published May 2017
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Incivilities: Regulating Offensive Behaviour ISBN 9781841134994
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Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice
ISBN 9781841132730
Published January 2003
Hart Publishing