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Law at the Cutting Edge: Essays in Honour of Sarah Worthington

Edited by: Sinéad Agnew, Marcus Smith

ISBN13: 9781509965151
Published: April 2024
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £100.00
Paperback edition not yet published, ISBN13 9781509965199

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This collection celebrates the immense contribution of Sarah Worthington to the field of private law.

Defining the subject broadly, experts from the judiciary and the academy address contemporary challenges arising in the fields of agency, company law and insolvency, contract law, equity, the law of money, personal property, restitution and unjust enrichment. The breadth of the contributors' expertise and their willingness to offer innovative and insightful solutions to difficult problems perfectly mirror Sarah Worthington's rigorous and inspirational approach to private law scholarship.

Contract Law, Tort Law
List of Contributors
Table of Cases
Table of Legislation
Table of International Conventions, Treaties and Agreements

1. Sarah Worthington: A Biographical Sketch, Ross Cranston and George Leggatt
2. Cultural Property and the 'Dark Side' of the Rule of Law, Sir Marcus Smith
3. Insolvency and Economic Disaster, Sir William Trower, Mark Phillips KC and Madeleine Jones
4. Attribution and Agency: Back to Basics Again, Rachel Leow
5. Corporate Liability for Wrongdoing within (Foreign) Subsidiaries: Mechanisms from Corporate Law, Tort and Regulation, Paul Davies
6. Networks as a Legal Concept: Mythical Beast No More?, Hugh Collins
7. The Importance of Classes in Insolvency and Restructuring, Sir Antony Zacaroli
8. Proprietary Restitution: The Primary Remedy for Unjust Enrichment?, Michael Bryan
9. Exporting Fiduciary Obligations: The Case of Advisors, Simone Degeling and Lionel Smith
10. Achieving Coherence in Equity's Responses to 'Breach of Trust', Jessica Hudson and Pauline Ridge
11. Tracing and Payment Systems, James Penner
12. Ownership, Personalty and Security Transactions, Michael Bridge
13. Netting Off Gains and Losses in the Law of Unjust Enrichment, Charles Mitchell
14. The Case for Cryptoassets as Property, Peter Watts KC and Kelvin F.K. Low
15. Better Left to the Legislature? Notes on a Nagging Doubt Over the Legal Recognition of Cryptoassets, Julius A.W. Grower
