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Delivering Justice: A Holistic and Multidisciplinary Approach - Liber Amicorum in Honour of Christopher Hodges (eBook)

Edited by: Xandra Kramer, Stefaan Voet, Lorenz Ködderitzsch, Magdalena Tulibacka, Burkhard Hess

ISBN13: 9781509961559
Published: October 2022
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £44.99
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In this Liber Amicorum, leading experts and old-time friends from around the world come together to pay tribute to Christopher Hodges' multifaceted career and work by exploring what can be done to deliver justice and fairness, focusing on collective redress, consumer dispute resolution, court system reform, ethical business regulation and regulatory delivery.

After a decade-long career as a solicitor, Christopher Hodges became Professor of Justice Systems at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford. Throughout his academic career he worked on a variety of topics dealing with access to justice and dispute resolution: from product liability, procedural/funding systems and collective redress, to alternative dispute resolution and ethical business regulation. In 2021 Christopher Hodges was awarded an OBE for services to business and law. His ground-breaking research not only inspired students and colleagues, but also influenced policymakers worldwide.

Delivering justice, and “making things better”, runs like a thread through his work; the same thread connects the chapters in this book.

eBooks, Courts and Procedure
Part One: Homage to a Polymath
1. The Multidimensional Career of a Polymath
2. Resume and Main Publications
3. The Friend
4. Policy Behaviour: Forging the Blueprint
5. A Love of Music: From Oxford to the Sixteen
6. 'In Modern Comic Opera One Sometimes Has to Wing It. If It's Too Absurd to Say It, Then Sing It!'
7. Solicitor
Part Two: Collective Redress
8. What is Collective in EU Collective Redress?
9. 'Je t'aime, moi non plus': Why Europe Needs Strong Collective Redress
10. Collective Redress in EU Consumer Law - How It Is, How It Could Be
11. Let's Redress European Redress the Hodges Way! Redressons redress en Europe à l'Hodgienne! A Look at How Canada Resolves the Conflicting Collective Claims Cross-Border Conundrum and How May the Canadian Solution Help Us in the EU?
12. Deadweight Loss and Collective Redress in Competition Law
13. Third Party Funding in Collective Redress
14. Do Collective Redress Mechanisms Deliver Justice?
Part Three: Consumer Dispute Resolution
15. Does ADR “Get It”?
16. Consumer Dispute Resolution in the Digital Era: Access for Some Consumers?
17. Rise and Fall of Traffic Accident ADR in Japan: The Cause and the Possible Remedy
18. CDR: Catalyst for China's E-Commerce
Part Four: Court System Reform and New Technologies
19. Digital Technology and The Development of Holistic Dispute Resolution
20. The Evolution of No-Fault Compensation Schemes for Personal Injuries
21. No-Fault Compensation Systems in the Pandemic Context
Part Five: Ethical Business Regulation, Corporate Behaviour, and Regulatory Delivery
22. Ethical Business Practice and Regulation and Beyond: Challenging Traditional Approaches to Compliance and Enforcement
23. The Evolution of INDR 2017 – 2022