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The Making of the Modern Company

ISBN13: 9781509959686
Published: November 2023
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2022)
Price: £42.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781509923625

Low stock.

This book adopts a historical perspective to highlight, and bring back into focus, the key features of the modern company. A central argument in the book is that legal personhood attaching to an entity containing a corporate fund seeded by shareholders is a direct and inevitable consequence of limited liability and the company's status as a separate legal entity from its shareholders. Management by a board subject to legal duties to the company as an entity that can exist in perpetuity facilitates a long term perspective by the board that can accommodate both shareholder and stakeholder interests. These defining characteristics differentiate the modern company from other business forms.

The Making of the Modern Company applies a 21st-century lens to the corporation through its history to identify turning points in its development. It sets out how key features emerged in the course of two separate developmental cycles in English corporate law: first with the English East India Company in the 17th century, and then with general incorporation statutes in the 2nd half of the 19th century. The book's historical perspective highlights that the key features are part of the 'secret sauce' of modern companies. Each cycle coincided with unparalleled periods of economic success associated with corporate activity.

This book will be of interest to corporate law and governance academics, theorists and practitioners, those who study the company from related disciplines, and anyone who questions why uncertainty still exists about the structure of a legal form that has been described as 'amongst mankind's greatest inventions'.

Company Law
1. Introduction
Part 1: Development of the Modern Company
2. Persona ficta and Joint Stock
3. The Transition to Permanent Capital in the English East India Company
4. Corporate Governance in the English East India Company
5. The Rise and Fall of the English East India Company
6. The Early Emergence of Directors' Duties
7. Liability of Shareholders of Business Corporations
8. The Significance of the Deed of Settlement Company?
9. The General Incorporation Statutes
10. Key Milestones in the Development of the Modern Company
Part 2: Consequences of the Modern Company
11. England Compared with other Jurisdictions
12. The Transition to the Modern Company in England
13. Conceptions of the Components and Characteristics of the Company
14. The Modern Company as an Entity
15. The Role of the Board
16. The Modern Company: Perils and Potential
