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The HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: Cornerstones, Prospects, Outlook

Edited by: Matthias Weller, João Ribeiro-Bidaoui, Moritz Brinkmann, Nina Dethloff

ISBN13: 9781509959570
Published: November 2024
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2023)
Price: £59.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781509959532

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This book analyses, comments and further develops on the most important instrument of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH): the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention. The HCCH Convention, the product of decades of work, will have a transformative effect on global judicial cooperation in civil matters. This book explores its 'mechanics', i.e. the legal cornerstones of the new Convention (Part I), its prospects in leading regions of the world (Part II), and offers an overview and comment on its outlook (Part III). Drawing on contributions from world-leading experts, this magisterial and ambitious work will become the reference work for law-makers, lawyers and scholars in the field of private international law.

Conflict of Laws, Courts and Procedure
I. Scope of Application
II. Judgments, Recognition, Enforcement
III. Indirect Jurisdiction
IV. Grounds for Refusal
V. Trust Management: Establishment of Relations Between Contracting States
VI. The HCCH (Hague) System for Choice of Court Agreements: Relationship of the HCCH Judgments Convention 2019 to the HCCH 2005 Convention on Choice of Court Agreements
VII. "The HCCH (Hague) System" and "the Brussels System": Relations to the Brussels and Lugano Regime
Part II: Prospects for the World
VIII. European Union
IX. North America
X. South European Neighbouring and EU Candidate Countries
XI. Middle East and North Africa (including Gulf Cooperation Council)
XII. Sub-Saharan Africa (including Commonwealth of Nations)
XIII. Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR)
XIV. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
XV. China (including Belt and Road Initiative)
Part III: Outlook
XVI. Lessons from the Genesis of the HCCH Judgments Project
XVII. International Commercial Arbitration and Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters: Towards an Integrated Approach
XVIII. General Synthesis and Future Perspectives