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EU Regulations in Practice: Legislative and Judicial Approaches

Edited by: Adam Lazowski, Alicja Sikora

ISBN13: 9781509956593
To be Published: December 2025
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £150.00
Paperback edition not yet published, ISBN13 9781509956630

This book fills a gap in the existing literature by providing a thorough assessment of EU regulations as a source of secondary legislation and their application in all twenty-seven Member States. It also explores that application in neighbouring countries.

EU regulations are perceived as the strongest and the most effective sources of EU secondary legislation and it is well-established by the Court of Justice of the European Union that their provisions have vertical and horizontal direct effect. Part 1 of this book examines these points, providing a backdrop to the analysis in the remaining chapters. Parts 2 and 3 focus on the national reception of EU regulations in Member States, and in selected neighbouring jurisdictions.

Written by leading practitioners and academics, the book offers both a conceptual underpinning to this element of the European Union's law-making, as well as its practical application.

EU Law
Preface: Prof. Koen Lenaert
1. Introduction; (Prof. Adam Lazowski, University of Westminster, UK & Dr. Alicja Sikora, Council of the EU, and Jagiellonian University, Poland)

Part 1: Setting the Scene: EU Regulations from the Perspective of the EU Legal Order
2. EU Regulations as a Source of EU Law (Prof. Adam Lazowski, University of Westminster, UK)
3. EU Regulations and Subsidiarity Control (Prof. Adam Cygan, University of Leicester, UK)
4. Direct Applicability and Direct Effect (Dr. Alicja Sikora, Council of the EU, and Jagiellonian University, Poland)

Part 2: EU Regulations from the Perspective of the EU Member States
5. Germany (Katherina Paraschas, Court of Justice)
6. France (Prof. Segolene Barbou des Places, University Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne, France + co-author)
7. Italy (Prof. Fabio Spitaleri, Universita di Trieste, Italy)
8. The Netherlands (Prof. Justin Lindeboom, Dr. Lorenzo Squintani and Prof. Ramses A. Wessel, University of Groningen, Netherlands)
9. Belgium (Prof. Nicolas de Sadeleer, St. Louis University, Brussels, Belgium, tbc)
10. Luxembourg (Emilia Fronczak, Loyens & Loeff, Luxembourg)
11. Denmark (Prof. Helle Krunke, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
12. Ireland (Dr. Graham Butler, University of Aarhus, Denmark)
13. Greece (Prof. Helen Xhantaki, University College London, UK)
14. Spain (Prof. Daniel Sarmiento + co-author, University of Madrid, Spain)
15. Portugal (Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho, NOVA School of Law, Lisboa)
16: Austria (Prof. Konrad Lachmayer, Sigmund Freud University, Vienna)
17. Finland (Niilo Jaaskinen, judge, Court of Justice)
18. Sweden (Prof. Maria Bergstroem, University of Uppsala, Sweden)
19. Estonia (Prof. Julia Laffranque, judge, Supreme Court of Estonia)
20. Latvia (Inga Reine, judge, General Court)
21. Lithuania (Dr. Saulius Lukas Kaleda, European Commission)
22. Poland (Prof. Krystyna Kowalik-Banczyk, judge, General Court)
23. Czech Republic (Jan Passer, judge, Court of Justice)
24. Slovakia (Prof. Zuzana Vikarska, Lecturer in Constitutional Law at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic and DPhil candidate at the University of Oxford, UK)
25. Hungary (Prof.Varju Marton, Prof. Erno Varnay, Hungarian Academy of Science, University of Debrecen, Hungary)
26. Slovenia (Dr Samo Bardutzky, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
27. Malta (Dr Ivan Sammut, University of Malta)
28. Cyprus (Prof. Stephanie Laulhe Shaelou, The University of Central Lancashire, UK)
29. Bulgaria (Alexander Kornezov, judge, General Court)
30. Romania (Florina Pop, European Commission)
31. Croatia (Prof. dr. Snjezana Vasiljevic, Dr. Melita Carevic, Luka Petrovic, University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Part 3: EU Regulations Beyond the Borders of the European Union
32. EU Regulations in the Former Member State: United Kingdom (Prof. Paul Craig, University of Oxford, UK)
33. European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) (Dr. George Baur, Liechtenstein Institute)
34. Switzerland (Prof. Christa Tobler, Universities of Leiden and Basel, Switzerland, tbc)
35. EU Regulations in the Pre-accession States: Western Balkans (Prof. Adam Lazowski, University of Westminster, UK; Visiting Professor College of Europe, Prof. Julija Brsakoska-Bazerkoska, University of Skopje, North Macedonia)
36. EU Regulations