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Mustill & Boyd: Commercial and Investor State Arbitration

Edited by: Justice David Foxton
Price: £450.00

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Harmonizing Digital Contract Law: The Impact of EU Directives 2019/770 and 2019/771 and the Regulation of Online Platforms

Edited by: Alberto De Franceschi, Reiner Schulze

ISBN13: 9781509956043
Published: December 2023
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £200.00

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This book assesses the impact of the implementation of EU Directives 2019/770 (DCD) and 2019/771 (SGD) in the EU Member States.

Taking a country report approach, each contribution pays specific attention to the systematic implications (e.g. the relationship with the law of obligations and contracts, intellectual property law and data protection law), to the influence on the formation of concepts and terms in the national law. In addition, the author of each country report investigates the use of the options which the EU legislator left in the discretion of national legislators (e.g. Art. 12 SGD). Finally, the book explores any voluntary extended implementation of the contents of the directives. It offers a complete guide to DCD and SGD and their implementation across the EU.