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Asia-Pacific Trusts Law, Volume 2: Adaptation in Context

Edited by: Ying Khai Liew, Ying-Chieh Wu

ISBN13: 9781509954605
Published: December 2022
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £110.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781509954643

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This book brings together leading legal scholars and practitioners from across the Asia-Pacific region to probe the ways in which trusts law has been adapted to meet the specific needs of various jurisdictions, and to analyse their causes and effects.

The contributions discuss how the trust structure, with its inherent malleability, has been adapted to meet a diverse set of needs, including social, religious, economic, commercial, or even historical needs. But in most instances, those needs - and the ways in which trusts law has been adapted to meet them - are not unique to a single jurisdiction: they often (coincidentally or otherwise) find much in common with others.

By making its readers aware of the commonality of needs in Asia-Pacific, this book aims to encourage coordination and cooperation in utilising trusts law to address shared concerns across the region.

Equity and Trusts, Other Jurisdictions , Asia
1. Introduction (Ying Khai Liew and Ying-Chieh Wu)

Part A: Trust and Statutes
2. Trusts and Statutes in the Australian Federation (Matthew Harding)
3. The Trusts Law Legislation Project in New Zealand (Jessica Palmer)
4. Issues in Thailand's Statutory Trusts (Surutchada Reekie and Adam Reekie)
5. Pakistan's New Trust Laws: A Leap into the Past (Zubair Abbasi)

Part B: Trusts and Customary/Religious Devices
6. Chinese Tsos/Tongs as British Trusts? A Modern Review (Rebecca Lee)
7. A System of Codified Law Adjusted to the Best Native Customs: The Reception of Trust Law in Colonial India (TT Arvind)
8. The Interaction between the Law of Trusts and Religious Laws and Practices in Sri Lanka
9. Trusts in Israel: The Evolution of the Israeli Private Trust – the Hekdesh (Meytal Liberman)
10. The Perennial Tension within Malaysian Trust Law: Islamic Law, Local Customs and the Global Wealth Management Market (Hang-Wu Tang)

Part C: Trusts and the Family
11. The Rise of Family Trusts and Shifting Trust Essentials: Japanese Trust Law in Transition (Masayuki Tamaruya)
12. Resulting and Constructive Trusts in the Singaporean Family Context (Man Yip)

Part D: Trusts and Commerce
13. Trusts in the Gulf (David Russell)
14. Trust in a Trustless World: Crypto-Custodians, Trusts, and Trust Regulations in Taiwan (Alex Yueh-Ping Yang)
15. Pacific Offshore Trusts (Katy Barnett)

Part E: Trusts and its Inherent Features
16. Remedying the Fragile Foundation of the Chinese Trust (Lusina Ho)
17. Private Trusts as a De Facto Private Foundation and its Practical Usage in Korea (Ying-Chieh Wu)
18. The New Trust Act in Cambodia (Matthew Rendall)
19. Choice of Law and Cross-Border Trust Disputes in Asia-Pacific (Ying Khai Liew)