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Liability for Transboundary Pollution at the Intersection of Public and Private International Law

ISBN13: 9781509951154
Published: February 2022
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £90.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781509951192

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This book focuses on how public and private international law address civil liability for transboundary pollution. Both respond to transboundary pollution in different ways, yet their connections are poorly understood. Filling that gap, this book engages in a meaningful dialogue between the two areas. Beginning with a thorough investigation of liability in international environmental law, it then goes on to identify preferable rules of civil jurisdiction, foreign judgments and choice of law for environmental damage. Taking a comparative approach, it explores the question from the perspectives of both Canadian and European private international law. This is a contentious issue of the law, both in scholarship and practice, so international lawyers both private and public as well as environmental lawyers will welcome this important work.

Environmental Law
1. Liability for Transboundary Pollution in International Environmental Law
2. Private International Law as Environmental Regulation
3. Jurisdiction over Transboundary Pollution
4. The Law Applicable to Transboundary Pollution