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Healthcare Law and Ethics and the Challenges of Public Policy Making: Selected Essays (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781509950454
Published: September 2021
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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Drawing on Sir Ian Kennedy's extensive experience in healthcare law, ethics and public policy-making, this book explores vital issues in the law surrounding healthcare and regulation. The book contains a range of published and unpublished essays and speeches with the addition of notes and commentaries by the author that bring the pieces up to the present day.

Those who want to understand developments, from transplants to confidentiality, from COVID-19 to public inquiries to regulation will find a rich seam of rigorous, informed analysis. The author's unique range of experience allows him to share insights on a variety of issues; from the conduct of the disgraced breast surgeon, Ian Paterson, to research at Porton Down, to the economics of innovation in drug development at NICE. His abiding interest in the welfare of children informs his trenchant forensic examination of how children fare in the NHS.

Those involved in or with an interest in law, moral philosophy, and public policy will find much food for thought.

eBooks, Medical Law and Bioethics
Part I – Children
1. Caring about Children
2. Getting it Right for Children
Part II – Regulation in the Public Sector
3. CHAI – Making It Better
4. The Healthcare Commission's Blueprint for Regulation
5. Regulation and the Safety of Healthcare
6. Value for Money
Part III – Medical Law and Ethics: From Huntington's Disease to Covid-19
7. Huntington's Disease and Confidentiality
8. Reflections on Charlie Gard
9. Doing What's Best - Who Says?
10. Ethical Issues in Transplantation
11. A Collection of Children's Hearts
12. Safety and Blame: Learning from Mistakes in the NHS
13. Deprivation of Liberty and Medical Care
14. Rights and Values in Health and Healthcare
15. Sumption's Gambit
Part IV – Inquiries and Reviews
16. Public Inquiries: Experience from the Bristol Public Inquiry
17. Paterson Review
18. Inquiries in the NHS: What's the Point?
19. Appraising the Value of Innovation: A Review for NICE
20. Porton Down Review
Part V – A Public Figure
21. Meet the Press
22. Working with the Media: A View from the Frontline
Part VI – Tributes
23. Professor Aidan Halligan
24. Sir Donald Irvine
25. Sir Eric Scowen