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Citizenship and Human Rights: From Exclusive and Universal to Global Rights - A New Framework

ISBN13: 9781509950331
To be Published: August 2025
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2024)
Price: £44.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781509950249

Can universal human rights and different national citizenship regimes ever be compatible? This book argues that they can't, setting out a legal-philosophical critique of the tension between both. It explores whether the emergence of postnational models of citizenship that aim at decoupling human rights and citizenship succeed in overcoming tensions between the universal (multiculturalism; universal human rights; postnational values) and the particular (citizenship; borders; national values and diverse local narratives). As a result of this exploration, the author argues that it is illegitimate to speak of universal human rights, universal human dignity, or universal social justice. It is only by recognising this reality that much needed transformation of human rights and citizenship can be undertaken in meaningful way. This provocative and compelling work will appeal to both human rights and citizenship lawyers.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
1. Philosophical Roots of the Concept of Humanity
2. Philosophical Approaches to the Idea of Human Dignity
3. The Idea of Universal Human Rights: Humanity vs. Citizenship
4. The Ideas of World Citizenship: Overcoming the Tensions Between the Universal (Global) and Particular (Local)?
5. An Outline of a New Idea of Global Citizenship