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Constitutional Foundings in South Asia

Edited by: Kevin Y.L. Tan, Ridwanul Hoque

ISBN13: 9781509944033
Published: July 2022
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2021)
Price: £33.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781509930258

Despatched in 6 to 8 days.

This volume addresses the idea of origins, how things are formed, and how they relate to their present and future in terms of 'constitution-making' which is a continuous process in South Asian states. It examines the drafting, nature, core values and roles of the first modern constitutions during the founding of the eight modern nation-states in South Asia.

The book looks at the constitutions of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It provides an explanatory description of the process and substantive inputs in the making of the first constitutions of these nations; it sets out to analyse the internal and external (including intra-regional) forces surrounding the making of these constitutions; and it sets out theoretical constructions of models to conceptualise the nature and role of the first constitutions (including constituent documents) in the founding of the modern nation-states and their subsequent impact on state-building in the region.

Other Jurisdictions , Asia
1. South Asian Constitutional Foundings: Beyond History
Kevin YL Tan, National University of Singapore and Ridwanul Hoque, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
I. Why this Book?
II. Constitutional History Matters
A. Constitutional Foundings
B. Conditions and Functions of Constitutional Foundings
III. Factors Impacting Constitutional Foundings
A. Internal Factors
B. Local Politics
C. Socio-Economic Conditions
D. External Factors
IV. The Legacies of Constitutional Foundings
V. A Note of Acknowledgement
2. India's Constitutional Founding: An Enduring but Mixed Legacy
Arun K Thiruvengadam, Azim Premji University, Bangalore, India
I. Constitutional Developments in Pre-Modern India and During the Colonial Period (1550–1947)
A. The Mughals and the East India Company (1550–1857)
B. The British Raj and Colonial Forms of Constitutional Government (1858–1947): A Bird's Eye View
C. The Nationalist Movement and the Build-up of Attempts at Constitution-Making (1885–1947): A Worm's Eye View
II. Crafting a Constitution for Independent India: The Work of the Constituent Assembly (1946–1949)
A. Background and Origin of the Constituent Assembly
B. The Ambient Atmosphere of Constitution-Making
C. Processes, Modes of Functioning, and Stages of Constitution-Making in the Constituent Assembly
D. A Survey of Important Provisions and Themes in the Text
III. Brief Analysis of Evolution of the Post-Independence Constitutional Order (1947–2019)
3. From Nation to State: Constitutional Founding in Pakistan
Sadaf Aziz, Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law, Pakistan and Moeen Cheema, ANU College of Law, Australia
I. Constituent Assemblies as the Site of Constitutional Drafting
II. Inchoate Visions of Nationhood
III. Competing Visions of Statehood
IV. Compromise(d) Constitutionalism
V. Conclusion
4. The Founding and Making of Bangladesh's Constitution
Ridwanul Hoque, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
I. The Emergence of Bangladesh
A. Bangladesh and the 1947 Partition of British India
B. Bangladesh as Part of Pakistan (1947 to 1971): The Pre-independence Years of Constitution-making
II. The Proclamation of Independence and the Provisional Constitution: The First Foundings
A. The Proclamation of Independence: The First Interim Constitution
B. The Provisional Constitution Order: The Second Interim Constitution
III. The Making of Bangladesh's Founding Constitution: The Drafting Process
A. The Constituent Assembly and the Wider Political Policy for Foundings
B. The Constitution Drafting Committee
C. Adopting the Founding Constitution
IV. The Constitution's Four Identity Principles and the Political Founding
A. Nationalism
B. Socialism
C. Democracy
D. Secularism
V. The Foundings and the Problem of Inclusive Constitutionalism
VI. External Influences on the Founding Constitution
VII. Post-1972 Developments and the Impact of Constitutional Foundings
VIII. Conclusion
5. Dominion Status and Compromised Foundations: The Soulbury Constitution and Sinhalese Buddhist Nationalist Responses to the Founding of the Ceylonese State, 1931–1956
Roshan de Silva-Wijeyeratne, Griffith University, Australia
I. The Colebrooke-Cameron Commission
II. The Donoughmore Reforms
III. The Soulbury Commission and the Dominion Constitution
IV. Wither Elitism
V. Conclusion
6. Constitutional Foundings in Nepal: Experience with Changing Parameters
Bipin Adhikari, Kathmandu University, Nepal
I. The 1950–1951 Revolution and the Founding Constitution of 1951
II. The 1951 Interim Constitution and Constitutional Foundings: The Point of Departure
III. Promulgation of the Foundational 1959 Constitution
IV. The Panchayat Constitution of 1962: Undoing the Founding?
V. The 1990 Constitution: Restoring the 1959 Foundings?
VI. The Maoist Armed Rebellion
VII. Constitution-Making By the People At Last?
A. The Interim Constitution 2007
B. Constituent Assembly I
C. Constituent Assembly II
VIII. The 2015 Constitution
IX. Conclusion
7. Making Bhutan's Constitution: Institutionalising a 'Traditional' Monarchy
Winnie Bothe is an independent scholar
I. Historical Trajectories of the Bhutanese Constitution
II. The Constitutional Committee
III. Consulting the People
A. Distributing the First Draft: Ceremony and Symbolism
B. The Construction of Citizens as 'Participants'
IV. The Constitutional Debates
V. Discussions between the King and the People
VI. Adoption and Content of the Constitution
VII. The Traditionalisation of the Constitution
VIII. Conclusion
8. Towards a Maldivian Nation-State: The Constitutions of 1932 and 1968
Shamsul Falaah is an Advocate of the Supreme Court of the Maldives
I. Historical Backdrop
A. Maldives: Origins and a Brief History
B. An Historical Overview of the Legal System
II. The First Maldives Constitution (1932)
A. The Quest for a Written Constitution and Driving Forces
B. The Constitution Drafting Process
C. Ratification of the First Constitution
III. Main Features of the First Constitution
A. Structure of the State and Separation of Powers
B. The Life and Death of the First Constitution
C. A Founding Constitution?
IV. Constitutional Developments 1934–1968
A. From Monarchy to Republic
B. Main Features of the 1953 Constitution
V. The Second Republican Constitution: 1968–1998
A. Resurgence of Republicanism
B. Main Features of the Constitution of 1968
VI. Legacy of the Constitutions of 1932 and 1968
VII. Conclusion
9. Afghanistan: An Aborted Beginning
Ebrahim Afsah, University of Vienna, Austria
I. A Contextual Prolegomenon
II. Introduction: Where to Begin?
III. Constitutionalism and Nation-Building
IV. Locating the 1964 Constitution
V. Tortuous Transplants and Religious Resistance
VI. Constitutions as Tools for Consolidation and Coordination
VII. Contestation and Constitutional Compromise
VIII. Process and Substance
IX. Conclusion

Series: Constitutionalism in Asia

Territorial Governance in Southeast Asia ISBN 9781509961887
To be published August 2025
Hart Publishing
Gender, Sexuality and Constitutionalism in Asia ISBN 9781509972302
To be published June 2025
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Territorial Governance in Southeast Asia (eBook) ISBN 9781509961856
Published February 2025
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Out of print
Territorial Governance in Southeast Asia ISBN 9781509961849
Published February 2025
Hart Publishing
Gender, Sexuality and Constitutionalism in Asia ISBN 9781509941919
Published January 2024
Hart Publishing
Out of print
Constitutional Foundings in Northeast Asia ISBN 9781509956746
Published June 2023
Hart Publishing
Democracy and Rule of Law in China's Shadow ISBN 9781509949175
Published December 2022
Hart Publishing
Out of print
Constitutional Bricolage: Thailand's Sacred Monarchy vs. The Rule of Law ISBN 9781509927692
Published December 2021
Hart Publishing
Constitutional Foundings in Northeast Asia ISBN 9781509940189
Published December 2021
Hart Publishing
Constitutional Foundings in Northeast Asia (eBook) ISBN 9781509940196
Published December 2021
Hart Publishing
Out of print
Democracy and Rule of Law in China's Shadow (eBook) ISBN 9781509933976
Published July 2021
Hart Publishing
Out of print
Democracy and Rule of Law in China's Shadow ISBN 9781509933969
Published July 2021
Hart Publishing
Constitutional Foundings in South Asia ISBN 9781509930258
Published January 2021
Hart Publishing
Constitutional Foundings in South Asia (eBook) ISBN 9781509930265
Published January 2021
Hart Publishing
Out of print
Constitutional Foundings in Southeast Asia ISBN 9781509946129
Published December 2020
Hart Publishing
Pluralist Constitutions in Southeast Asia ISBN 9781509945689
Published November 2020
Hart Publishing
Constitutional Foundings in Southeast Asia ISBN 9781509918928
Published May 2019
Hart Publishing
Constitutional Foundings in Southeast Asia (eBook) ISBN 9781509918935
Published May 2019
Hart Publishing
Out of print
Pluralist Constitutions in Southeast Asia ISBN 9781509920457
Published April 2019
Hart Publishing
Pluralist Constitutions in Southeast Asia (eBook) ISBN 9781509920464
Published April 2019
Hart Publishing
Out of print
Out of print