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Germany’s Dual Constitution: Parliamentary Democracy in the Federal Republic

ISBN13: 9781509943395
Published: July 2021
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £75.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781509943432

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This book offers a compelling and persuasive framework for understanding the German constitutional system. It argues that it can only be fully understood as a dual structure combining two layers with little in common. The first layer is the basic administrative institutional structure, comprised of federal institutions. The second layer is that of parliamentary democracy. It is the interplay between the two, as mediated by the chancellery, the major political parties and the Federal Constitutional Court, which lies at the heart of the German constitutional arrangement.

This innovative hybrid perspective allows for a better understanding of the current challenges of parliamentary government and its potential long-term development. An updated translation of its impactful German edition, this provides one of the most brilliant introductions to governmental systems of one of the world's most influential states.

European Jurisdictions, Germany
1. Introduction: The Two Crises of Parliamentary Government
2. The Two Worlds of German Constitutionalism
3. Transformations of Parliamentary Government in Germany Since World War I
4. What is the Bundestag? Political Representation in a Working Legislature
5. The Crisis of the Mediating Institutions
6. Potentials and Weaknesses of Parliamentary Control
7. The Future of Parliamentarianism and the German Constitution

Series: Parliamentary Democracy in Europe

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