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Clamouring for Legal Protection: What the Great Books Teach Us About People Fleeing from Persecution

ISBN13: 9781509943159
Published: July 2021
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £90.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781509943142

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In this novel approach to law and literature, Robert Barsky delves into the canon of so-called Great Books, and discovers that many beloved characters therein encounter obstacles similar to those faced by contemporary refugees and undocumented persons.

The struggles of Odysseus, Moses, Aeneas, Dante, Satan, Dracula and Alice in Wonderland, among many others, provide surprising insights into current discussions about those who have left untenable situations in their home countries in search of legal protection.

Law students, lawyers, social scientists, literary scholars and general readers who are interested in learning about international refugee law and immigration regulations in home and host countries will find herein a plethora of details about border crossings, including those undertaken to flee pandemics, civil unrest, racism, intolerance, war, forced marriage, or limited opportunities in their home countries.

Law and Literature
Introduction: Opening up the Great Books
1. Spreading Disease, or Inoculating Us from Intolerance?
2. Following Pathways, Networks and Guides
3. Opening Doors, and Scaling Walls
4. Confronting Inhospitable Spaces, and Hostile Hosts
5. Encounters with Aliens, Monsters and Terrorists
Conclusion: From Persecution to Wonderland