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Challenging Private Law: Lord Sumption on the Supreme Court

Edited by: William Day, Sarah Worthington

ISBN13: 9781509934874
Published: November 2020
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £140.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781509945474

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Lord Sumption has been one of the most influential judges of his generation. This book critically reflects on the important and controversial issues posed by his jurisprudence. Using Lord Sumption's contributions as a springboard, the book contains a selection of essays that consider 'where next' in relation to topics such as:

  • contractual interpretation
  • tortious duties of care
  • compensatory damages
  • proprietary restitution
  • piercing the corporate veil

The book covers a broad range of areas in private law including contract, tort, unjust enrichments, equity, company and commercial law, as well as private international law and civil procedure.

Jurisprudence, Courts and Procedure
1. Introduction
Lord Sumption
2. Interpretation
Ewan McKendrick
3. Variation and Waiver
William Day
4. Termination
Sir David Foxton
5. Contract Damages
Adam Kramer
6. Penalties
Edwin Peel
7. The Contract/Tort Borderline
Janet O'Sullivan
8. Personal Injury
Nicholas J McBride
9. Injunctions
Donal Nolan
10. Unjust Enrichment
Graham Virgo
11. Proprietary Restitution
William Day and Sarah Worthington
12. Knowing Receipt
Jamie Glister
13. Illegality
Charlie Webb
14. Agency
Peter Watts
15. Attribution
Ernest Lim
16. Powers
Sarah Worthington
17. Piercing the Corporate Veil
Christian Witting
18. Good Arguable Case
Joshua Folkard and Ian Bergson
19. Forum Conveniens
Louise Merrett
20. Foreign Law
Richard Fentiman
21. Res Judicata
The Hon KR Handley QC
22. Privilege
Bankim Thanki QC, Chloe Carpenter QC, Nik Yeo and Rebecca Loveridge