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A Guide to Global Private International Law (eBook)

Edited by: Paul Beaumont, Jayne Holliday

ISBN13: 9781509932092
Published: May 2022
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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This book provides a substantial overview of the discipline of private international law viewed from a global perspective.

The handbook is divided into 4 key sections:

  • Theory
  • Institutional and Conceptual Framework Issues
  • Civil and Commercial Law (apart from Family Law)
  • Family Law

Each chapter is written by a leading expert(s). The chapters address specific areas/aspects of private international law and consider the existing global solutions and the possibilities of improving/creating them. Where appropriate, the chapters are co-authored by experts from different legal perspectives in order to achieve as balanced a picture as possible.

The range of contributions includes authors from Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. An essential resource for academics, practitioners and students alike.

Conflict of Laws, eBooks
I. Introduction
1. Introduction - Paul Beaumont and Jayne Holliday
II. Theory
2. Pragmatism - Paul Beaumont and Abubakri Yekini.
3. Characterisation - Ralf Michaels
4. Connecting Factors - Susanne Goessl and Ruth Lamont
5. Renvoi and Preliminary Questions - Maria Hook
6. Public Policy and Mandatory Provisions - Trevor Hartley
III. Institutional and Framework Issues
7. Hague Conference - Paul Beaumont and Marta Pertegás
8. The Role of National Organs, Central and Competent Authorities in the Implementation and Operation of HCCH Conventions - The Hague Permanent Bureau
9. Substance and Procedure - Richard Garnett
10. Application of Foreign Law - Marta Requejo Isidro
11. States/Governments in Private Litigation - Ugljesa Grusic, Paul Herrup and Mickey Martinez
12. What is the EU's Contribution to Global PIL - Anatol Dutta
13. Service of Documents - David McClean
14. Taking of Evidence - Nadia de Araujo and Brooke Marshall
IV. Civil and Commercial Law (excluding Family Law)
15. Contract - Applicable Law - Symeon Symeonides
16. Contract - Jurisdiction - Ron Brand and Karen Vandekerckhove
17. Companies – Johan Meeusen
18. Competition - Mihail Danov and Carmen Otero
19. Tort - Applicable Law - Michael Hellner
20. Tort - Jurisdiction - Reid Mortensen
21. Unjustified Enrichment - Adeline Chong and Jan Lüttringhaus
22. Property - Janeen Carruthers and Matthias Weller
23. Succession - Albert Font Segura and Jayne Holliday
24. Trusts - Jonathan Harris
25. Insolvency and Bankruptcy - Francisco Garcimartín Alférez and Sara Sanchez
26. Intellectual Property - Paul Torremans
27. Arbitration - Giuditta Cordero Moss
28. Maritime Law - Veronica Ruiz Abou-Nigm
29. Choice of Court Agreements - Paul Beaumont and Mary Keyes
30. Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments - David Goddard and Paul Beaumont
31. Conflicts of Jurisdiction - Ardavan Arzandeh and Matthias Lehmann
32. Collective Redress - Koji Takahashi and Sophia Tang
V. Family Law
33. Divorce - Máire Ní Shúilleabháin and Jayne Holliday
34. Parental Responsibility, Custody and Access - Costanza Honorati and Mary Keyes
35. Child Abduction - Maria Caterina Baruffi and Jayne Holliday
36. Adoption - Laura Martinez
37. Maintenance - Paul Beaumont and Lara Walker
38. Matrimonial Property - Rhona Schuz
39. Family Agreements - Paul Beaumont and Nieve Rubaja
40. Incapacitated Adults - Pietro Franzina
VI. Conclusion
41. Conclusion - Paul Beaumont and Jayne Holliday