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Saudi Business Law in Practice: Laws and Regulations as Applied in the Courts and Judicial Committees of Saudi Arabia

ISBN13: 9781509927227
Published: October 2019
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £160.00

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In this landmark publication, the world's leading expert in the legal system of Saudi Arabia explains and documents the uncodified principles of contract, tort, and property that frame the business laws of the Kingdom. Drawing on 8,500 newly published court decisions, as well as on statutory law, interviews and a wide range of other material, the book sets out to determine the actual practice of Saudi courts in these spheres, both substantively and as to reasoning and procedure.

With unique insights into and understanding of this fascinating jurisdiction, this book simply must be read by all engaged with law or business in the region. Also, given its focus on how certain Islamic legal rules and principles are applied in practice, the book will prove an invaluable resource for scholars of Islamic law past and present.

Other Jurisdictions , Middle East
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Saudi Legal System: Constitution, Laws, and Courts
Chapter 3. Saudi Judicial Process: Procedure and Reasoning
Chapter 4. Introduction to the Fiqh Law of Property, Crime, Tort, and Contract
Chapter 5. Case Study of the Supply Contract
Chapter 6. Contracts: General Categories and Specific Types
Chapter 7. Theories of Liability
Chapter 8. Case Study on Compensation for Lost Profits
Chapter 9. Case Study on Respondeat Superior or Employer Vicarious Liability
Chapter 10. Conclusion