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Data Protection and Privacy, Volume 10: The Age of Intelligent Machines (eBook)

Edited by: Ronald Leenes, Rosamunde van Brakel, Serge Gutwirth, Paul De Hert

ISBN13: 9781509919369
Published: December 2017
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £25.19
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There is much current debate on privacy and data protection with the European General Data Protection Regulation becoming enforceable in May 2018.

This volume arises from the tenth annual International Conference on Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection, CPDP 2017, held in Brussels in January 2017, bringing together papers that offer conceptual analyses, highlight issues, propose solutions, and discuss practices regarding privacy and data protection.

Topics explored include: Directive 95/46/EU and the GDPR moving from a market framing to a 'treaty-based' games frame, the GDPR requirements regarding machine learning, the need for transparency in automated decision-making systems to warrant against wrong decisions and protecting privacy, the risk-revolution in EU data protection law, data security challenges of Industry 4.0, and (new) types of data introduced in the GDPR, privacy design implications of conversational agents and reasonable expectations of data protection in Intelligent Orthoses.

Data Protection and Privacy: The Age of Intelligent Machines was written while the implications of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 were sinking in. It discusses open issues and daring and prospective approaches and will serve as an insightful resource for readers with an interest in computers, privacy and data protection.

Data Protection, eBooks
1. EU Data Protection and ‘Treaty-base Games’: When Fundamental Rights are Wearing Market-making Clothes
Laima Janciute
2. The ‘Risk Revolution’ in EU Data Protection Law: We can’t Have Our Cake and Eat it, Too
Claudia Quelle
3. No Privacy without Transparency
Roger Taylor
4. Machine Learning with Personal Data
Dimitra Kamarinou, Christopher Millard and Jatinder Singh
5. Bridging Policy, Regulation and Practice? A Techno-Legal Analysis of Three Types of Data in the GDPR
Runshan Hu, Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon, Mu Yang, Valeria Schiavoand Vladimiro Sassone
6. Are We Prepared for the 4th Industrial Revolution? Data Protection and Data Security Challenges of Industry 4.0 in the EU Context
Carolin Moeller
7. Reasonable Expectations of Data Protection in Telerehabilitation—A Legal and Anthropological Perspective on Intelligent Orthoses
Martina Klausner and Sebastian Golla
8. Considering the Privacy Design Issues Arising from Conversation as Platform
Ewa Luger and Gilad Rosner
9. Concluding remarks at the 10th Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference: 27 January 2017
Giovanni Buttarelli

Series: Computers, Privacy and Data Protection
