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Guernsey Trust Law

ISBN13: 9781509919307
Published: March 2020
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £180.00

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This book is intended to be a comprehensive treatise of Guernsey trust law, providing practical answers for practitioners advising on Guernsey trusts and trustees administering them.

In particular, it provides:-

  • a detailed analysis of the provisions of the Trusts (Guernsey) Law 2007 (as amended);
  • a consideration of Guernsey trust cases, as well as relevant cases in Jersey and in other jurisdictions;
  • analysis of the legal principles underpinning Guernsey trust law;
  • and where there is no clear Guernsey authority on a particular point of law it gives a reasoned view on the point, drawing on the relevant legal principles, together with a broad assessment of the confidence of which the authors hold that view.