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Ownership of Satellites

Edited by: Mahulena Hofmann, Andreas Loukakis

ISBN13: 9781509915552
Published: June 2017
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £110.00

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The publication Ownership of Satellites written under the editorship of professor Mahulena Hofmann and Dr. Andreas Loukakis from Luxembourg by a group of prominent international authors from the academia and practice of the law of space activities, deals with one of the imminent problems of the law of outer space - the ownership of satellites and its transfer.

The reason for opening the discussion on this subject is the fact that on the one hand, the main legal problems remain - only the launching State can register a space object and only the launching state is liable for damages caused by the satellite, and on the other hand the emergence of several new phenomena, such as condominium of satellites or the exponential existence of small satellites.

Furthermore, the relation between the registration of space objects under UN framework and the assignment of frequencies is practically unknown to non-internals. This situation contributed to the wish to analyze this issue not only from the perspective of international law of outer space, but also from the perspective of telecommunication law and European Union law, offering insights to the current practice.

The publication is a contribution to the theoretical discussions on the law of outer space, but can serve as an important tool used by the lawyers, including those from the financial and insurance sectors.

Material was gathered from the 4th Luxembourg Workshop on Space and Satellite Communication Law.

Air and Space Law, Telecommunications Law
4th Luxembourg Workshop on Space and Satellite Communication Law
Karim Michel Sabbagh
4th Luxembourg Workshop on Space and Satellite Communication Law
John Purvis

II. Ownership of Satellites: A Simple Legal Fact with Complex Consequences
Ownership of Satellites: A Simple Legal Fact with Complex Consequences
Mahulena Hofmann

III. Transfer of Ownership of Space Objects in International Law of Outer Space
Transfer of Ownership in Orbit: from Fiction to Problem
Frans von der Dunk
The Relevance of the Concept of 'Ownership' in Space Activities and their Regulation
Jean-François Mayence
Cross-Border Transfer of Operation (Ownership) of Satellites – Solutions in Line with the Space Treaties Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd and Martin Reynders
Legal Aspects of Transfer of Ownership and Transfer of Activities
Armel Kerrest
United Nations Practice in Registering Space Objects
Natercia Rodrigues and Kamran Memon
Transfer of Satellites in Orbit: the ESA Experience
Ioanna Thoma
EU as Owner of Galileo Satellites: Consequences for Registration and Liability
Andreas Loukakis

IV. Ownership or Use of Satellites by Several Entities
Models of Ownership: Condominium and Hosted Payload Satellites
Gerry Oberst
Key Contractual Aspects in Hosted Payload and Condominium Satellite Projects
Ingo Baumann and Oliver Heinrich

V. The Use of Spectrum by Various Owners or Users of Satellites
Interrelation between Space Law and ITU Law
Francis Lyall
Interaction between Registration of Space Objects and the Protection of Frequency Assignment
Srinivasan Venkatasubramanian
Leasing of Orbital Positions
Elina Morozova
Harmful Interference and Ownership of Satellites (or Frequencies) in Outer Space
Simona Spassova

VI. Specific Forms of Limitations of the Exercise of Ownership Rights connected with Space Activities Solutions
Satellite Export Controls and National Security under WTO Rules
Peter Malanczuk
Landing Rights and Satellite Operators
Philippe Achilleas and Nicholas Puschman
The Cape Town Convention and the Space Assets Protocol: Considerations after the Event
Lesley Jane Smith