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Law and the Precarious Home: Socio Legal Perspectives on the Home in Insecure Times

Edited by:  Brendan Edgeworth, Helen Carr

ISBN13: 9781509914609
Published: May 2018
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £95.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781509941124

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This book aims to explore the emergent, and internationally widespread, phenomenon of precariousness, specifically in relation to the home. It maps the complex reality of the insecure home by examining the many ways in which precariousness is manifested in legal and social change across a number of otherwise very different jurisdictions.

By applying innovative work done by socio-legal scholars in other fields such as labour law and welfare law to the home, it offers a broader theoretical understanding of contemporary 'precarisation' of law and society. It will enable reflections upon differential experience of home dependent upon class, race and gender from a range of local, national and cross national perspectives. Finally it will explore the pluralisation of ideas of home in subjective experience, social reality and legal form.

The answers offered in the book reflect the expertise and standing of the assembled authors who are international leaders in their field, with often decades of first-hand practical and intellectual engagement with the area.

Property Law, Law and Society
1. Introducing Precarisation: Contemporary Understandings of Law and the Insecure Home Helen Carr, Brendan Edgeworth and Caroline Hunter

Part I: Understanding Precarisation
2. Precarious Homes: The Sharing Continuum Sarah Blandy
3. Property, Well-being, and Home: Positive Psychology and Property Law's Foundations Nestor M Davidson

Part II: Rental Security
4. The `Affordable Alternative to Renting': Property Guardians and Legal Dimensions of Housing Precariousness Caroline Hunter and Jed Meers
5. Public Housing Insecurity in New South Wales: An Historical Overview (1971-2014) Brendan Edgeworth
6. The Tenant's Home and the Landlord's Property-The Polish Struggle to Achieve a Balance of Rights Magdalena Habdas

Part III: The Home and Governmental Precarisation
7. Law and the Precarious Home: A Case Study of Thermal Inefficiency in English Homes Helen Carr
8. Governing Risk and Uncertainty: Financialisation and the Regulatory Framework of Housing Associations Richard Goulding 9. Safe and Sound: Precariousness, Compartmentation and Death at Home Edward Kirton-Darling

Part IV: Global/Local Precariousness
10. The UK as a Precarious Home Richard Warren
11. Precarious Home and Institutional Ambiguity in China's Urbanisation Ting Xu and Wei Gong
12. On Shaky Ground: Homes as Socio-Legal Spaces in a Post-Earthquake Environment Ann Dupuis, Suzanne Vallance and David Thorns

Part V: Resistance and Strategies
13. Precarity and Defi ance in Temporary Accommodation: The King Hill Hostel Campaign, 1965-66 Laura Binger
14. Responding to the Precarisation of Housing: A Case Study of PAH Barcelona Gabriele D'Adda, Lucia Delgado and Eduard Sala
15. Returning Home? Danie Brand