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Women, Poverty, Equality: The Role of CEDAW

ISBN13: 9781509909742
Published: February 2018
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £85.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781509939480

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The stark reality is that throughout the world, women disproportionately live in poverty. This indicates that gender can both cause and perpetuate poverty, but this a complex and cross-cutting relationship.

In addition to this the full enjoyment of human rights is routinely denied to women who live in poverty. How can human rights respond and alleviate gender-based poverty?

This monograph closely examines the potential of equality and non-discrimination at international law to redress gender-based poverty. It offers a sophisticated assessment of how the international human rights treaties, specifically the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), which contains no obligations on poverty, can be interpreted and used to address gender-based poverty. An interpretation of CEDAW that incorporates the harms of gender-based poverty can spark a global dialogue.

The book makes an important contribution to that dialogue, arguing that the CEDAW should serve as an authoritative international standard setting exercise that can activate international accountability mechanisms and inform the domestic interpretation of human rights.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
Part I
1. Mapping the Problem
I. Defining Gender-Based Poverty
II. Gender-Based Poverty as an Obstacle to Human Rights
III. The Gap in the International Human Rights Framework
IV. The Promise of CEDAW in Addressing Gender-Based Poverty
V. Mapping the Solution: An Evolutionary Interpretation of CEDAW
VI. Conclusion
2. The Drafting of CEDAW
I. Understanding the Past
II. The History of CEDAW
III. Mapping Gender-Based Poverty in the Travaux Préparatoires
IV. Explaining CEDAW’s Silence
V. Conclusion
3. Strategies for Interpreting CEDAW
I. The Art of Interpretation
II. The Interpretative Role of UN Human Rights Bodies
III. Gender-Based Poverty and the UN Human Rights Bodies
IV. Conclusion
4. Interpreting Gender-Based Poverty into CEDAW
I. Potential Interpretations of CEDAW
II. A Comprehensive Interpretation: Equality and Non-Discrimination in CEDAW
III. Nature of the State’s Obligations
IV. Conclusion

Part II
5. The Committee and Gender-Based Poverty
I. CEDAW’s Accountability Structure
II. Mapping the Committee’s Approach to Gender-Based Poverty
III. Evaluative Discussion
IV. Conclusion
6. The Working Methods of the Committee
I. Mapping Gender-Based Poverty and the Committee
II. A Case Study on the Committee’s Working Methods and Gender-Based Poverty
III. Reforming the Periodic Reporting Process
IV. Conclusion
7. Evolutionary General Recommendations
I. The Purpose of General Recommendations
II. Evolutionary General Recommendations
III. Conclusion
8. Envisioning Gender-Based Poverty in CEDAW
I. Introducing Gender-Based Poverty into CEDAW
II. A New Interpretation: The Legal Basis for Interpreting Gender-Based Poverty into CEDAW
III. Contextualising Gender-Based Poverty in CEDAW
IV. Conclusion