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The Freedom of Peaceful Assembly in Europe

Edited by: Anne Peters, Isabelle Ley

ISBN13: 9781509906994
Published: June 2016
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £120.00

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This volume presents an accessible overview of the current state of the legislation on the freedom of assembly in eleven selected member states of the Venice Commission: the UK, France, the US, Belgium, Germany, Turkey, the Russian Federation, the Ukraine, Poland, Hungary and Tunisia. The volume may serve as a work of reference for the researcher or practitioner who seeks specific information on the legal bases, restrictions, or implementation of the freedom of assembly in a specific country or on more recent themes such as the legal implications of flashmobs. It is also a helpful starting point for anyone interested in comparing the state of assembly legislation in Europe and beyond. Next to information on details of the domestic regulation of assemblies, each study contains information on recent events, changes and debates on the laws on assemblies. Examples are the handling of the Arab spring in Tunisia, freedom of assembly-implications and management of the Gezi Park protests in Turkey, or the constitutional upheavals in the Ukraine.