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New Frontiers of Empirical Labour Law Research (eBook)

Edited by: Amy Ludlow, Alysia Blackham

ISBN13: 9781509903580
Published: June 2015
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £26.99
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This collection draws together papers delivered at a symposium on New Frontiers in Empirical Labour Law Research held at the University of Cambridge in April 2014.

It contains contributions from experts across a range of disciplines (including employment relations, industrial psychology, sociology, economics and political science) to consider four broad themes: the case for empiricism in labour law; the potential for mixed methods; methodological possibilities and insights from other disciplines; practical challenges and words of caution for those conducting empirical research.

This collection seeks to cultivate confidence and competence in empirical methods among both established and young labour law scholars, through an intergenerational and interdisciplinary ‘lessons learned’ dialogue. It contributes to the broader debate regarding empirical research methods in labour law, and casts light on how empirical research can be conducted in highly contested fields to enhance and enrich labour law policymaking.

This collection offers the first stage of a collaborative and interdisciplinary dialogue on empirical labour law research, to emphasise the importance of collaboration and intergenerational mentoring in building empirical capacity.

Employment Law, eBooks
1. Introduction Alysia Blackham and Amy Ludlow
2. Foreword: Evidence and Ideology Bob Hepple

Part A: Taking Method Seriously: Theoretical Implications
3. Individual Rights at Work, Methodological Experimentation and the Nature of Law Lizzie Barmes
4. Quantitative Labour Law Zoe Adams and Simon Deakin
5. Women in Labour Law: The Use and Implications of Empirical Methods Lydia Hayes and Roseanne Russell

Part B: Taking Methodological Inspiration from Other Disciplines
6. Can Behavioural Psychology Inform Labour Law ? Ewan McGaughey
7. Using Ethnographic Methods to Explore Labour Law Questions Amy Ludlow
8. Collective Labour Law Explored Sonia McKay and Sian Moore
9. No Longer a ' Secondary Force ... in Labour Relations ': A Mixed Methods Study of the Effect on Irish Trade Unions of the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2001 Tish Gibbons

Part C: What Do We ' Do ' With Empirical Work ? Making Empirical Work ' Count '
10. Using the Delphi Method to Advance Legal Reform: A New Method for Empirical Labour Law Research ? Alysia Blackham
11. Labour Legislation and Evidence-Based Public Policy: A Case Study Abi Adams and Jeremias Prassl
12. Creating a ' Virtuous Circle ' Between Legal Empirical Research, Knowledge Exchange and Impact Simonetta Manfredi and Lucy Vickers