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The Jurisprudence of Lord Hoffmann: A Festschrift in Honour of Lord Leonard Hoffman (eBook)

Edited by: Paul S. Davies, Justine Pila

ISBN13: 9781509901562
Published: July 2015
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £26.09
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Lord Leonard Hoffmann remains one of the most important and influential English jurists. Born in South Africa, he came to England as a Rhodes scholar to study law at the University of Oxford.

After graduating from the Bachelor of Civil Laws as Vinerian Scholar, he was elected Stowell Civil Law Fellow of University College. There followed an extremely distinguished judicial career, including 14 years as a member of the Judicial Committee of the House of Lords (from 1995 to 2009).

In 2009, Lord Hoffmann returned to the Oxford Law Faculty as a Visiting Professor. In this volume, current and past colleagues of Lord Hoffmann from the University of Oxford examine different aspects of his jurisprudence in diverse areas of private and public law.

The contributions are testament to the clarity and creativity of his judicial and extra-judicial writings, to his enduring influence and extraordinary intellectual breadth, and to the respect and affection in which he is held.

Jurisprudence, General Interest, eBooks
1. Introductory Remarks and the Law of Evidence Colin Tapper
2. Responsibility for Harm to Others: A Brief Survey Tony Honore
3. But for Lord Hoffmann, How Would the Causal Inquiry in Negligence Look? Sarah Green
4. A Long, Hard Look at Gray v Thames Trains Ltd James Goudkamp
5. Lord Hoffmann and the Economic Torts Roderick Bagshaw
6. Salvaging of the Law of Torts Robert Stevens
7. Are Human Rights Culturally Determined? A Riposte to Lord Hoffmann Sandra Fredman
8. Lord Hoffmann and Public Law: TV Dinner or Dining at the Savoy? Alison L Young
9. A Trump Card Which Sometimes Wins: Lord Hoffmann, Free Speech and the Media Jacob Rowbottom
10. Lord Hoffmann and Purposive Interpretation in Intellectual Property Law Justine Pila
11. Lord Hoffmann and the Law of Employment: The Notorious Episode of Johnson v Unisys Ltd Alan Bogg and Hugh Collins
12. The Meaning of Commercial Contracts Paul S Davies
13. Tangling in the Undergrowth Francis Reynolds
14. Lord Hoffmann and Remoteness in Contract Andrew Burrows
15. Lord Hoffmann, Tax Law and Principles Judith Freedman
16. Retrospective Mistakes of Law Frederick Wilmot-Smith
17. The Jurisprudence of Lord Hoffmann in Property Law Roger Smith
18. Proprietary Estoppel: The Importance of Looking Back Ben McFarlane
19. Corporate Attribution and the Lessons of Meridian Jennifer Payne