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Transnational Policing: FIFA and Its Agreements

ISBN13: 9781498763851
Published: December 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £82.00

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This book demonstrates how globalization or transnational governance affects everyone through an analysis of the FIFA agreements. It examines actors outside state boundaries and how they are influencing decisions that affect various aspects of public life inside state borders through the study of contracts and agreements signed by the state with transnational private actors. It illustrates how such agreements enable actors outside state territories (who have not been voted into power) come to shape and influence how public services are distributed. The reader will come away with the knowledge on how actions at the global level impact on life at the local level.

International Criminal Law, Police and Public Order Law
List of illustrations
List of abbreviations

Transnational Private Governance: a brief history of the ‘new’ global players
Negotiating with Giants: Standard Agreements and Contracts
Linking the global to the local: How FIFA governs policing transnationally
Spatial Laws: Host City Agreements
The private governance of public space: multinational corporations and commercial rights