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Policing Muslim Communities: Comparative International Context

ISBN13: 9781493932696
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Germany
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2012)
Price: £99.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781461435518

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In the past two decades, Muslim countries across the globe have been faced with a crisis in governance. This is starting with a summary of Islamic Law (Sharia) and its implications for law enforcement, this book will highlight the unique needs and challenges of law enforcement, and particularly policing, in these communities. It will provide a scholarly exposition of Sharia law and how it is compatible (or not) with policing in a modern context. The role and contribution of "Sharia Law" towards conceptualizing law enforcement in a modern context is certainly worth looking forward to, especially understanding its co-existence with civil law in countries with minority Muslim communities. Featuring case studies from throughout the Muslim world, this volume will highlight key qualities of Sharia law and Muslim culture that play a role in law enforcement, including: case processing; community policing; police administration; human rights; and, the influence of globalization. Taking a comprehensive approach, this work provides a historical context for colonization events in Muslim countries and their influence on current law enforcement systems, as well as providing key insights into the particular norms that make up the bases for Muslim societies, and their unique needs. Looking into the future, it provides guidelines for how community policing can play a proactive role in law enforcement and crime prevention.

Islamic Law
Table of Contents
1. Introduction (M.R. Haberfeld)
2. The Concept of Punishment under Sharia (Farrukh B. Hakeem)
3. Policing Muslims in Western Democracies (Arvind Verma)
4. Human Rights and Islamic Law (Farrukh B. Hakeem)
5. Police and the Administration of Justice in Medieval India (Farrukh B. Hakeem)
6. Policing Muslim Community in India (Arvind Verma)
7. Policing Minorities in the Arab World (Arvind Verma and Nabil Quassini)
8. Policing Muslims in a Combat/Peace Environment (M.R. Haberfeld and Qasim Haq)