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Property in Minerals and Petroleum

ISBN13: 9781485118909
Published: December 2016
Publisher: Juta Law
Country of Publication: South Africa
Format: Paperback
Price: Price on Application

Property in Minerals and Petroleum is the first major academic text to analyse the state-custodianship concept in South African law with emphasis on its application in mineral and petroleum law. As such, the book seeks to stimulate academic discourse about the impact of the incorporation of state custodianship in this field of law.

The book considers the nature of mineral and petroleum rights in a state-custodianship model within a constitutional context. It clarifies the institutional regime change that lead to the regulatory context in which such rights now can be acquired, transferred or lost.

The first chapter of Property in Minerals and Petroleum focuses on the constitutional imperatives for reform in mineral and petroleum law, and on the changing concepts of property and landownership that paved the way for transformation. Further chapters evaluate the pre-2004 mineral and petroleum law dispensation and address the current dispensation under the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA).

The section on the MPRDA focuses on the aims and objectives of the Act; the notion of state custodianship and its impact on existing property law; the meaning of the terms ‘mineral’ and ‘petroleum’; the nature, content and regulation of rights to minerals and petroleum; the acquisition, transfer and termination of such rights; and various miscellaneous aspects that straddle existing property law principles and the regulation of minerals and petroleum.