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Evictions in Scotland 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781474482165
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781904968184
Published: January 2021
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Country of Publication: Scotland
Format: Paperback
Price: £99.00 - Unavailable at Publisher

Your complete guide to the recovery of possession of residential property in Scotland.

  • Concentrates on the issues that arise most frequently in eviction cases
  • Updated to cover changes to the law since the 2007 edition, with new chapters on tribunal procedure, eviction proceedings under the 2016 Act, and public law, human rights and Equality Act defences
  • Written by an advocate with 20 years’ experience in housing law, including 7 years as the Principal Solicitor of Shelter Scotland’s Housing Law Service

Adrian Stalker sets eviction law in context by providing an outline of the development of Scots law in relation to it, and analysing the complex statutory schemes regulating security of tenure. In particular, he examines the prerequisites for obtaining an order for possession under the Housing (Scotland) Acts 1988 and 2001 and an eviction order under the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016.

Scots Law
Historical Context
Unlawful Eviction
Pre-action Notices
2001. Act
SST Grounds
1988. Act
1988. Grounds
PRT Grounds
Judicial Review
Other form of occupation
Procedure in the Sheriff court
Tribunal Procedure
Post Decree etc
Appendix: Coronavirus (Scotland) Act April 2020