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Delict: A Comprehensive Guide to the Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781474462440
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781845860424
Published: August 2021
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Country of Publication: Scotland
Format: Paperback
Price: £55.00

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Everything you need to know about the Scots law of delict and how it interacts with international law, rigorously updated for the 3rd edition.

  • Covers the important cases in the rapidly developing law of delict, fully updated since the previous edition in 2011
  • Discusses Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire; Steel v NRAM; Playboy Club London Ltd v Banca Nationale del Lavoro SpA; Armes v Nottinghamshire CC; N v Poole BC; Cox v Ministry of Defence; Muhamed v WM Morrison Supermarkets; WM Morrison Supermarkets v Various Claimants; Barclays Bank v Various Claimants; Various Claimants v Catholic Child Welfare Society; A v The Trustees of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  • Covers developments in the law of negligence, nuisance, defamation, vicarious liability and defences

Recognising the multi-faceted nature of the Scots law of delict, this new edition provides a complete guide to the law. With numerous case studies and clear illustration of key concepts, this is essential reading for all students encountering delict for the first time as well as practitioners who require a ready reference for their practice.

Scots Law
Table of Cases
Table of Legislation
Table of Statutes
Table of Statutory Instruments
Table of European Legislation
1. Introduction
2. Negligence: Duty of Care
3. The Duty of Care: Negligent Misstatements
4. The Duty of Care: Pure Economic Loss
5. The Duty of Care: Nervous Shock
6. Breach of Duty of Care: Standard of Care
7. Factual Causation
8. Remoteness of Damage (Legal Causation)
9. Professional Negligence
10. Breach of Statutory Duty
11. Nuisance
12. Liability for Animals
13. Assault
14. Defamation
15. Economic Delicts
16. Passing Off
17. Breach of Confidence
18. Product Liability
19. Occupiers’ Liability
20. Vicarious Liability
21. Defences in Delict
22. Remedies
23. Evidential and Practical Matters
24. Transfer and Extinction of Liability
25. The Role of Insurance and Other Compensation Systems as Methods for the Compensation of Victims of Delict