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FCA Enforcement: Misconduct and Lack of Fitness and Propriety - A Practical Guide for Individuals and Firms

ISBN13: 9781474326384
Published: June 2024
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £294.00

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The enforcement powers of the Financial Conduct Authority (the FCA) are designed to deter non-compliance with regulatory requirements, encouraging good behaviour on the part of individuals working within the UK financial services industry and restricting the participation of those not fit and proper to work within the industry. However, there can be devastating consequences for an individual’s livelihood and future career prospects if they are the subject of these powers.

This invaluable new title gives an expert insight into the FCA’s powers to investigate and impose sanctions on individuals in relation to misconduct and a lack of fitness and propriety. It provides a practical guide to these powers and the operation of the enforcement process in relation to them for individuals and authorised firms. The book highlights issues that may be faced following the identification of a potentially serious regulatory issue all the way through to an FCA decision to impose a sanction and the options then available.

FCA Enforcement: Misconduct and Lack of Fitness and Propriety provides an authoritative guide to handling the issues that may arise in this field. It simplifies what can be a difficult, confusing and highly stressful process. It is essential reading for individuals and authorised firms who may be involved.

Banking and Finance

Overview of the development of the FCA's enforcement powers and policy

Part One: Decision Makers, Decision points and publicity
Part Two: Misconduct and lack of fitness and propriety
Part Three: Legal professional privilege in the context of the FCA enforcement process
Part Four: The pre-FCA investigation stage
Part Five: The enforcement Process
