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Law Between Buildings: Emergent Global Perspectives in Urban Law

Edited by: Nisha Mistry, Nestor Davidson

ISBN13: 9781472474063
Published: November 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £145.00

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The rich field of urban law has thus far lacked a holistic and concerted scholarly focus on comparative and global perspectives.

This work offers new inroads into the global and comparative streams within urban law by presenting emerging frameworks and approaches to topics ranging from urban housing and land use to legal informality and consumer financial protection.

The volume brings together a group of international urban legal scholars to highlight emergent global, interdisciplinary perspectives within the field of urban law, particularly as they have import for comparative legal analysis. The book presents a timely addition to the literature given the urgent legal issues that continue to surface in an age of rapid urbanization and globalization.

Law and Society
1. Local Autonomy and Constitutional Law: An Uncertain Relationship
[Richard Briffault]
2. Room to Live? Socio-legal Reflections on the United Kingdom’s Politics of Housing Space
[Helen Carr]
3. Building a Language of Municipal Bankruptcy and Insolvency on an Urban
Law Foundation
[Juliet Moringiello]
4. Crowdfunding in Asian Countries and its Interaction With Citizenship
[Chen Hung-Yi]
5. Consumer Financial Protection, Inclusion and Education: Connecting the Local to the Global
[Susan Block-Lieb]
6. Living in the Shadow of the Law: Urban Segregation, Poverty and Informality
[Jimena Suarez Ibarolla]
7. Informal Housing – Plurality in the City
[Julian Sidoli del Ceno]