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Towards a Refugee Oriented Right of Asylum

ISBN13: 9781472457783
Published: June 2015
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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This volume explores the factors that give rise to the number of people seeking asylum and examines the barriers they currently and will continue to face. Divided into three parts, the authors first explore the causality that generates displacement, examining climate change, illegal conflicts and the deprivation of natural resources. They argue that all of these problems either originate from human agency directly, or are strongly influenced by human activities, particularly those of wealthy countries in the North West.

The study goes on to discuss how migrants are received and the problems they face on arrival, and concludes with confronting the fate and the status of asylum seekers after arrival, and the walls, both virtual and material, that they encounter. The authors propose ways of approaching the situation, beyond the present language and the limited interpretations of the Convention on the Status of Refugees.

Written by leading experts in environmental ethics, asylum law, and international law, the book will be essential reading for those working in these and related areas.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Public International Law, Immigration, Asylum, Refugee and Nationality Law
Introduction to asylum seekers, Laura Westra, Satvinder Juss and Tullio Scovazzi
Part I: Proximate and Distant Causality Affecting Asylum Seekers and Internally Displaced Persons
The limitations of the present international instruments for the protection of refugees, Laura Westra
Climate change refugees: law, human rights, and ethics, Donald A. Brown
Escape from development and the plunder of resources: causality and responsibility, Laura Westra
Exodus after conflict, Satvinder Juss
Part II: Present Challenges, Legal Regimes and Jurisprudence
After the flight: international law and the rights of asylum seekers today, Laura Westra
The particular problems of migrants and asylum seekers arriving by sea, Tullio Scovazzi
Part III: The Case for the Support of Asylum Seekers
The case for asylum seekers: reverting to human rights, Laura Westra
Epilogue, Satvinder Juss