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Security Ethics

Edited by: John Guelke, Katerina Hadjimatheou, Tom Sorell

ISBN13: 9781472439437
Published: January 2017
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £195.00

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Governments often act in the name of security to protect their citizenries. For example by legislation or by the recruitment and employment of large numbers of armed personnel to detect and prosecute violent crime, or via engagements in military interventions to repel or pre-empt foreign attacks. These practices are often taken to have strong moral justifications. The value of security is linked to the value of life and the disvalue of violence and injury, and all of these are central both to theoretical accounts of and common sense views about the difference between right and wrong.

The essays in this volume seek to increase our understanding of state action in the name of security and take a range of viewpoints and approaches. Some articles attempt to delimit the concept of security, or dispute attempted delimitations; some consider security as a 'good' and ask what sort of good it is, and how valuable; whilst others consider the relation between state action in the name of security and state action in the name of other goods, notably liberty, or consider ethical issues in health security, climate security and cybersecurity.

Overall, this collection of essays shows how appeals by governments to the value of security have grown out of relatively recent events and processes at a global level, such as the response to pandemics, the acceleration of climate change, and counter-terrorism. The volume features an introductory essay and forms part of a five-volume series on legal ethics and the enforcement of law.

Introduction, Tom Sorell.

Part I The Concept of Security: The concept of security, L. Freedman
Rethinking human security, Gary King and Christopher J.L. Murray
Safety and security, Jeremy Waldron
The concept of security, Jonathan Herington
Security, knowledge and well-being, Stephen John.

Part II Security and Rights: Security and liberty: the image of balance, Jeremy Waldron
Deference, security and human rights, David Dyzenhaus
Must we trade rights for security?, Ken Roach
Security, terrorism, and the value of human rights, Andrew Ashworth
Liberal security, Fernando Teson.

Part III Situational Crime Prevention and Surveillance: Benefits, burdens, and responsibilities: some ethical dimensions of situational crime prevention, R.A. Duff and S.E. Marshall
The burdens of situational crime prevention, John Kleinig
Preventive policing, surveillance, and European counter-terrorism, Tom Sorell
Privacy rights, crime prevention, CCTV and the life of Mrs Aremac, Jesper Ryberg.

Part IV Ethics and Health Security: Infectious diseases, security and ethics: the case of HIV/AIDS, Michael Selgelid and Christian Enemark
Blinded by bioterrorism, George Annas. Part V Ethics and Environmental Security: The burdens of security deadly delays, saving opportunities: creating a more dangerous world, Henry Shue
Runaway climate change: a justice-based case for precautions, Catriona McKinnon.

Part VI Ethics and Cybersecurity: Privacy, security, and government surveillance: Wikileaks and the new accountability, Adam Moore
Privacy, secrecy and security, Paul Thompson
Online security and the protection of civil rights: a legal overview, Ugo Pagallo.


Series: The Library of Essays on Legal Ethics

The Ethics of Expert Evidence
Edited by: Emma Cunliffe
ISBN 9781472450739
Published November 2016
Lawyers' Ethics ISBN 9781472448644
Published November 2016
Judicial Ethics
Edited by: Keith Swisher
ISBN 9781472443366
Published October 2016
Police and Law Enforcement Ethics
Edited by: Seumas Miller
ISBN 9781472441102
Published October 2016