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Codifying Contract Law: International and Consumer Law Perspectives

Edited by: Mary Keyes, Therese Wilson

ISBN13: 9781472415615
Published: December 2014
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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Exploring the advantages and disadvantages of codifying contract law, this book considers the question from the perspectives of both civil and common law systems, referring in detail to issues of international and consumer law.With contributions from leading international scholars, the chapters present a range of opinions on the virtues of codification, encouraging further debate on this topic.

The book commences with a discussion on the internationalization imperative for codification of contract law. It then turns to regional issues, exploring first codification attempts in the European Union and Japan, and then issues relevant to codification in the common law jurisdictions of Australia, New Zealand and the United States. The collection concludes with two chapters which consider the need to draw upon both private and comparative international law perspectives to inform any codification reforms.

This book will be of interest to international and comparative contract law academics, as well as regulators and policy-makers.

Contract Law, Comparative Law, Consumer Law

Part I Introduction:
Codifying contract law: internationalisation imperatives and regional perspectives, Mary Keyes and Therese Wilson.

Part II The Internationalisation Imperatives:
The internationalisation of contract law, Mary Keyes
Regional and global unification of contract law, Ingeborg Schwenzer
The challenges of good faith in contract law codification, Therese Wilson.

Part III Regional Perspectives:
The codification mania and the changing nation state: a European perspective, Hans-W. Micklitz
Integrating consumer law into the civil code: a Japanese attempt at re-codification, Hiroo Sono
The government's proposed review of Australia's contract law: an interim positive response, Luke Nottage
The partial codification of contract law: lessons from New Zealand, Rick Bigwood
Codification and the American discussion about how judges decide cases, Richard Hyland. Index.