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Understanding and Negotiating EPC Contracts Volume 1: The Project Sponsor's Perspective

ISBN13: 9781472411068
Published: November 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £175.00

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Understanding and Negotiating EPC Contracts Volume 1: The Project Sponsor's Perspective explains the fundamental commercial principles and pitfalls of 'turnkey' contracting for major infrastructure projects anywhere.

It is a comprehensive guide providing practical analysis of the issues and challenges in complex construction projects. Exhaustive in scope, the book enables professionals and non-professionals to understand the commercial, legal and financial elements of large construction projects and places readers in a stronger position to assess short and longer-term needs of clients and constituents.

The book serves as a guide for all types of capital investments ranging from nuclear, wind, solar, natural gas and coal-fired power plants to high speed rail roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and LNG import and export facilities.

Also available as a Two Volume Set, isbn: 9781138285477

Construction Law
a historical perspective
Choosing a development approach
The EPC contractor's approach
Beginning the evaluation process
Full-scale development
Philosophy of the EPC contract
Site or route survey
The work
The sponsors obligations under the EPC contract
Monitoring the progress of the work
Unforeseen circumstances, adjustments and change orders
The EPC contractor's failure to perform
The owner's failure to discharge its responsibilities
Unexpected market conditions
Testing and completion of the work
liquidated damages for delay and impaired performance
The EPC contractor's warranties of the work
Security for the EPC contractor's performance
limitations on overall liability and contract expiration
Payment for the work
Title and other legal matters
Indemnification and insurance
Dispute resolution and governing law
Interested third parties
Table of case citations