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The Ashgate Research Companion to Feminist Legal Theory (eBook)

Edited by: Margaret Davies, Vanessa E. Munro

ISBN13: 9781472404053
Published: October 2013
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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As a distinct scholarly contribution to law, feminist legal theory is now well over three decades old. Those three decades have seen consolidation and renewal of its central concerns as well as remarkable growth, dynamism and change. This Companion celebrates the strength of feminist legal thought, which is manifested in this dynamic combination of stability and change, as well as in the diversity of perspectives and methodologies, and the extensive range of subject-matters, which are now included within its ambit. Bringing together contributors from across a range of jurisdictions and legal traditions, the book provides a concise but critical review of existing theory in relation to the core issues or concepts that have animated, and continue to animate, feminism. It provides an authoritative and scholarly review of contemporary feminist legal thought, and seeks to contribute to the ongoing development of some of its new approaches, perspectives, and subject-matters.

The Companion is divided into three parts, dealing with 'Theory', 'Concepts' and 'Issues'. The first part addresses theoretical questions which are of significance to law, but which also connect to feminist theory at the broadest and most interdisciplinary level. The second part also draws on general feminist theory, but with a more specific focus on debates about equality and difference, race, culture, religion, and sexuality. The 'Issues' section considers in detail more specific areas of substantive legal controversy.

Jurisprudence, eBooks
Editors' introduction, Margaret Davies and Vanessa E. Munro

Part A Theoretical Questions in Feminist Legal Theory: Contesting the dominant paradigm: feminist critiques of liberal legalism, Rosemary Hunter
Feminism, law and materialism: reclaiming the 'tainted' realm, Joanne Conaghan
Freedom, power, and agency in feminist legal theory, Nancy J. Hirschmann
Law's truths and the truth about law: interdisciplinary refractions, Margaret Davies.

Part B Concepts in Feminist Legal Theory: Equality and difference: fertile tensions or fatal contradictions for advancing the interests of disadvantaged women?, Elsje Bonthuys
'What a long, strange trip it's been': feminist and queer travel through sex, gender and sexuality, Sharon Cowan
Theorizing race, theorizing racism: new directions in interdisciplinary scholarship, Jennifer C. Nash
Feminists rethink multiculturalism: resisting essentialism and cross-cultural hypocrisy, Sarah Song
In the name of God? Religion and feminist legal theory, Samia Bano.

Part C Issues in Feminist Legal Theory: Gender and terrain: feminists theorize citizenship, Margot Young
International human rights law: towards rethinking sex/gender dualism and asymmetry, Diane Otto
A new frontline for feminism and international humanitarian law, Judith Gardam
Violence against women, 'victimhood' and the (neo)liberal state, Vanessa E. Munro
The body, bodies, embodiment: feminist legal engagement with health, Marie Fox and Therese Murphy
Motherhood and law: constructing and challenging normativity, Susan B. Boyd
Marriage and civil partnership: law's role, feminism's response, Rosemary Auchmuty
Gendered power over taxes and budgets, Asa Gunnarsson
From women and labour law to putting gender and law to work, Judy Fudge
Gender, justice and law in a global market, Ann Stewart
Women, migration and the constitutional underpinning of the European Union, Patricia Tuitt
Ecofeminism and the environment: international law and climate change, Karen Morrow