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Why Women Are Blamed For Everything: Exposing the Culture of Victim-Blaming

ISBN13: 9781472135469
Published: June 2021
Publisher: Constable
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback 2020)
Price: £10.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781472135483

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She asked for it. She was flirting. She was drinking. She was wearing a revealing dress. She was too confident. She walked home alone. She stayed in that relationship. She was naïve. She didn’t report soon enough. She didn’t fight back. She wanted it. She lied about it. She comes from a bad area. She was vulnerable. She should have known. She should have seen it coming. She should have protected herself.

The victim blaming of women is prevalent and normalised in society both in the UK, and around the world.

What is it that causes us to blame women who have been abused, raped, trafficked, assaulted or harassed by men? Why are we uncomfortable with placing all of the blame on the perpetrators for their crimes against women and girls?

Based on three years of doctoral research and ten years of practice with women and girls, Dr Jessica Taylor explores the many reasons we blame women for male violence committed against them. Written in her unique style and backed up by decades of evidence, this book exposes the powerful forces in society and individual psychology which compel us to blame women subjected to male violence.

Key terms explained
Key abbreviations explained
1. Introduction to violence against women
2. Introduction to women's trauma
3. What is victim blaming and self-blame?
4. Examples of victim blaming of women
5. Prevalence of victim blaming attitudes
6. Why do we blame women?
7. How does our criminal justice system blame women?
8. How do our cultures and beliefs blame women?
9. How do family and friends blame women?
10. How does the media blame women?
11. How does the education system teach us to blame women?
12. How do mental health services blame women?
13. An attack on a women: all the other ways we blame her
14. Blaming the women, blaming the girl
15. Talking to women about victim blaming
16. Talking to professionals about victim blaming
17. Discussions and considerations
18. Final thoughts