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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Unlocking Constitutional and Administrative Law 4th ed isbn 9781138101777

Unlocking Constitutional and Administrative Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781444179613
New Edition ISBN: 9781138101777
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781444109214
Published: May 2014
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

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The Unlocking the Law series is designed specifically to make the law accessible. Each chapter opens with aims and objectives, contains activities such as quick quizzes and self-test questions, key facts charts to consolidate your knowledge and diagrams to aid learning.

Cases and judgments are prominently displayed, as are primary source quotations. There are summaries to check your understanding of each chapter, a glossary of legal terminology and essay questions with answer plans. All titles in the series follow the same formula and include the same features so students can move easily from one subject to another.

The series covers all the core subjects required by the Bar Council and the Law Society for entry onto professional qualifications as well as popular option units.

Constitutional and Administrative Law
1. Introductory Concepts
2. Constitutions
3. The nature of the British constitution
4. The sources of the British constitution
5. The separation of powers
6. The rule of law
7. Parliamentary sovereignty
8. Parliament I: Nature, functions and privilege
9. Parliament II: The House of Commons
10. Parliament III: The House of Lords
11. The executive
12. Executive/parliamentary relations
13. The Judiciary
14. The decentralisation of public power
15. The European Community
16. The European Convention on Human Rights
17. The Human Rights Act 1998 18 Freedom of Speech
19. Judicial review I (rationale and procedure)
20. Judicial review II (grounds of review and remedies)
21. Grievance mechanisms
22. Constitutional developments and reform Index