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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Statistics for Lawyers 4th ed isbn 9781071641552

Statistics for Lawyers 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781441959843
New Edition ISBN: 9781071641552
Previous Edition ISBN: 0387950079
Published: December 2015
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Statistics for Lawyers introduces law students, teachers, practitioners, and judges to the basics of mathematical probability and statistics as applied in the law.

The book consists of sections of exposition followed by real-world cases and case studies in which statistical data have played a role. The reader is asked to apply the theory to the facts, to calculate results (a hand calculator is sufficient), and to explore legal issues raised by quantitative findings. The authors' calculations and comments appear in the back of the book.

The cases and case studies reflect a broad variety of legal subjects, including antidiscrimination, mass torts, taxation, school finance, identification evidence, preventive detention, handwriting disputes, voting, environmental protection, antitrust, and the death penalty.

The first edition of Statistics for Lawyers, which appeared in 1990, has been used in law, statistics, and social science courses. In 1991 it was selected by the University of Michigan Law Review as one of the important law books of the year.

Descriptive Statistics.
Introduction to descriptive statistics.
How to Count.
Elements of Probability.
Some Probability Distributions.
Statistical Inference for Two Proportions.
Comparing Multiple Proportions.
Comparing Means.
Combining Evidence Across Independent Strata.
Sampling Issues.
Survival Analysis.
Nonparametric Methods.
Regression Models.
More Complex Regression Models.

Appendix I: Calculations and Comments on the Cases.
Appendix II: Tables.
Glossary of Symbols.
List of Cases.
Subject Index.