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Islam, Europe and Emerging Legal Issues (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781409434450
Published: January 2012
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (PDF)
Price: Out of print
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"Islam, Europe and Emerging Legal Issues" brings together vital analysis of the challenges that Europe poses for an expanding Islam and that Islam poses for Europe, within their ever-evolving religious, legal, and social environments. This book gathers some of the best thinking on Islam and the law affecting current and contested issues that can no longer be ignored, particularly as they have found their way before the European Court of Human Rights. Contributors include leading authorities who are working at the heart of this generation's law and religion questions in Europe and across the world. This book outlines implications for all those who look to Europe - from both within and without - for models of human rights implementation and multi-cultural accommodation.

eBooks, Islamic Law
Part I Islam, the European Court of Human Rights and Democracy in Europe: an Overview: Islam in Strasbourg: can politics substitute for law? Javier Martinez-Torron.
Part II The European Court, Islam and Competing Modes of Secularism: The European Court of Human Rights: between fundamentalist and liberal secularism, Ingvill Plesner.
Part III The Islamic Headscarf: Reflections and General Propositions: Wearing the hijab: some reflections from a Muslim woman's perspective, Amal Idrissi
International human rights law and the Islamic headscarf: a short note on the positions of the European Court of Human Rights and the Human Rights Committee, Martin Scheinen.
Part IV European Approaches to the Islamic headscarf Controversy: The hijab in Strasbourg: clear conclusions, unclear reasoning, Njal Hostmoelingen
Religious symbols in public schools: the Islamic headscarf and the European Court of Human Rights decision in Sahin v. Turkey, T. Jeremy Gunn
The Strasbourg court dealing with Turkey and the human right to freedom of religion or belief: an assessment in light of Leyla Sahin v. Turkey, Tore Lindholm
The religious headscarf (hijab) and access to employment under Norwegian antidiscrimination laws, Ronald Craig
The headscarf issue: a German perspective, Richard Puza.
Part V The European Court and the Limits of Pluralism: the Welfare Party Case: The dubious foundations of the Refah decision, Ann Elizabeth Mayer
Refah revisited: Strasbourg's construction of Islam, Christian Moe
The principle of legal pluralism and militant democracy, Javid Gadirov
The European Court's freedom of association cases and the implications for Islam, Lance Lehnhof