AS Law for OCR is written specifically to cover the requirements of the OCR exam board and has been designed to be used by all levels and styles of learner with each being challenged and excited by their study.
1: The English Legal System Chapter 1: The civil courts Chapter 2: Civil appeals Chapter 3: Alternative methods of dispute resolution Chapter 4: Police powers Chapter 5: Criminal courts Chapter 6: Criminal appeals Chapter 7: Principles of sentencing Chapter 8: Court sentencing powers Chapter 9: The judiciary Chapter 10: The legal profession Chapter 11: Magistrates Chapter 12: The jury Chapter 13: Paying for legal services Unit 2: Sources of Law Chapter 14: Judicial precedent Chapter 15: Acts of Parliament Chapter 16: Delegated legislation Chapter 17: Statutory interpretation Chapter 18: European Law Chapter 19: Law reform Appendix 1: Answering examination questions Appendix 2: A guide to law reports and case references Select bibliography Glossary Answers to exercises