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Book of the Month

Cover of Unjust Enrichment and Countervailing Obligations

Unjust Enrichment and Countervailing Obligations

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Lissack & Horlick on Bribery and Corruption 3rd ed isbn 9781474316743

Lissack & Horlick on Bribery 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781405791144
New Edition ISBN: 9781474316743
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781405764575
Published: September 2014
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Wildy's Book of the Month: September 2014

The new edition of this comprehensive work offers a full overview of the legislation set in both a national and international context, with a full explanation of the scope of the Act and Ministry of Justice guidance together with detailed insight into anti-corruption measures and sentencing.

Written by expert practitioners in white collar international crime (with magic circle and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act practitioner contributions), it offers a definitive voice amid fear and confusion toward the new bribery legal system. While both authoritative and accessible, it offers a clear emphasis on all practical issues with each chapter ending with a bullet-point list summarising key points to be considered.

Company Law, Criminal Law
1. History and Context
2. UK Legislation Prior to the Act
3. The Bribery Act 2010
4. What is a benefit in a bribe?
5. Adequate Procedures
6. NGOs and other organisations
7. Bribery Act and Sport
8. Other fields'
9. Prosecution Authorities
10. Deferred prosecution agreements
11. Penalties and remedies
12. International perspectives: Lessons form the US
13. Shariah
14. Russia, China and Latin America