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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Arnold-Baker on Local Council Administration 11th ed isbn 9781474312288

Arnold-Baker on Local Council Administration 10th ed

ISBN13: 9781405788076
New Edition ISBN: 9781474312288
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781405774055
Published: May 2016
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Arnold Baker on Local Council Administration is a complete statement of the law relating to parish and community councils, in the form of an extensive though succinct narrative accompanied by comprehensive statutory materials.

Now in its tenth edition, this remains the key text for Parish Councils, Local Authorities and solicitors practising in local government law and public/administration law.

What's New:

  • The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 which provided for new accounts and audit rules for local
  • New account rules in Wales
  • The move to electronic systems - for delivery of agendas, minutes and other papers, and for the payment of bills
  • The minimum wage increase and move to a national living wage

Local Government Law
1. History
2. General description of the systems
3. General description of the localities as a system
4. Creation, alteration and dissolution of localities and their organisation
5. The people
6. The local council and its members
7. Meetings and procedure of a local council
8. Elected officers
9. Employees
10. The English parish or town's meeting and parish or charter trustees
11. Documentation
12. Property
13. Charities and public gifts
14. Finance—assets
15. Capital finance
16. Miscellaneous liabilities
17. Accounts and financial administration
18. Audit
19. Contracts
20. Ancillary matters
21. Legal and similar business and inquiries
22. Local councils in local life
23. Concurrency, independence and co-operation
24. Consultation, representation and notification
25. Appearance of villages
26. Open air and exercise
27. Gatherings
28. Public lighting and crime prevention
29. Allotments for cultivation and common pasture
30. Health
31. Powers relating to communications
32. Transport
33. Powers relating to the dead
34. Welsh central institutions
35. Welsh communities
36. Welsh burial facilities
37. The welsh language

Appendix I Statutes
Appendix II Statutory Instruments
Appendix III Useful Contacts