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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Erskine May Parliamentary Practice 25th ed isbn 9781474313360

Erskine May Parliamentary Practice 24th ed

Edited by: Malcolm Jack

ISBN13: 9781405751063
New Edition ISBN: 9781474313360
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406970947
Published: June 2011
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Also available as
+ £88.00 VAT
+ £54.38 VAT

The eponymous guide to parliamentary practice and procedure, Erskine May provides accurate and detailed information on the constituent parts of Parliament, its powers and jurisdictions, membership of either House, financial procedure and the process of debate.

What’s new to this 24th Edition:-

  • Developments in relation to Parliamentary Privilege (respective roles of Parliament and the courts, the search of a Member’s office, the Parliamentary Standards Act)
  • Changes in the role of the House of Lords relating to the creation of the Supreme Court
  • Developments in Parliamentary procedure including: - the first use of the procedure to elect a new Speaker by secret ballot; deputy speakers are also elected in this way for the first time; - the creation of evidence taking Public Bill Committees; - introduction of topical debates; - developments in select committee practice notably the election of select committee Chairs; - the establishment of a Backbench Business Committee
  • Changes in the structure of the House Service
  • The impact on procedural and practical issues of the formation of a Coalition Government
  • Significant changes to Members’ expenses which affect Parliament

Constitutional and Administrative Law, Statutory Interpretation and Legislative Drafting
PART 1: Constitution and organization of Parliament;
Chapter 1: The constituent parts of Parliament (excluding Payment of Members)
Chapter 2: Elections
Chapter 3: Disqualification for membership of either House
Chapter 4: Members and Officers of Parliament (including Payment of Members)
Chapter 5: Rules governing the conduct of Members of both Houses and the disclosure of financial interests
Chapter 6: Administration of Parliament and the parliamentary estate
Chapter 7: Parliamentary papers and publications
Chapter 8: A new Parliament and opening and closing of session
Chapter 9: Formal communications between Crown and Parliament and between Lords and Commons
Chapter 10: Parliament and international assemblies
PART 2: Powers and privileges of Parliament;
Chapter 11: Powers and jurisdiction of Parliament (to include; summoning of witnesses and Chapter 9 (Penal jurisdiction of both Houses)
Chapter 12: The privilege of Parliament
Chapter 13: Privilege of freedom of speech
Chapter 14: Privilege of freedom from arrest
Chapter 15: Contempts
Chapter 16: Complaints of breach of privilege or contempt
Chapter 17: The courts and parliamentary privilege
PART 3: Conduct of business;
Chapter 18: A sitting: general arrangements in the House of Commons
Chapter 19: The control and distribution of time in the House of Commons
Chapter 20: Outline of business of the House of Commons
Chapter 21: The process of debate in the House of Commons by motion, questions and decision
Chapter 22: Maintenance of order during debate in the House of Commons
Chapter 23: Methods of curtailing debate
Chapter 24: Public petitions
Chapter 25: Organization and conduct of business in the House of Lords
PART 4: Public legislation;
Chapter 26 : Characteristics of a public bill (including Pre-legislative scrutiny)
Chapter 27: Proceedings in the House of Commons (including Committee of the whole House)
Chapter 28: Proceedings in the House of Lords
Chapter 29: Other matters relating to public bills (including ping-pong and Parliament Acts)[to be retitled]
Chapter 31: Delegated legislation
Chapter 32: Parliamentary oversight of European Union matters
PART 5: Financial procedure;
Chapter 33: Financial procedure-general
Chapter 34: Public expenditure and Supply
Chapter 35: Expenditure: Money resolutions
Chapter 36: Ways and Means and Finance Bills
Chapter 37: The role of the House of Lords in financial procedure
PART 6: Committees;
Chapter 38: House of Commons: select committees
Chapter 39: House of Commons: general committees
Chapter 40: Committees in the House of Lords
Chapter 41: Joint committees of the Lords and Commons
PART 7: Private legislation;
Chapters 42 to 46